Happy birthday, Volha ❤️\n\nToday, political prisoner Volha Barushka has celebrated her birthday behind bars.\n \nVolha is a doctor and member of the Free Trade Union of Belarus. She was arrested at home in August 2022 and taken to a prison in Minsk.\n\nVolha was accused of insulting a representative of the authorities and insulting a judge.\n\nThe judge sentenced Volha to two years in prison. In April, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus put the political prisoner on the "list of extremists".\n\nI have become Volha's symbolic "godmother." I wish for her and all the other political prisoners in Belarus to be...
Barushka Volha, a courageous trade union activist, was imprisoned for standing up for democracy in Belarus. As her godparent I call for the immediate release of Volha and other political prisoners in Belarus. #WeStandBYyou \n#BelarusSolidarityCampaign \n@LiberecoPHR\n@Sali_darnast https://t.co/gJOMlIPuDK
Free Barushka!\n\nBarushka Volha was imprisoned for standing up for democracy in Belarus. My solidarity goes to Barushka and other courageous trade union activists fighting the human right violations in Belarus. As her godparent I call for the immediate release of Barushka Volha and other political prisoners in Belarus.\n\nBarushka Volha is member of the Belarusian Free trade union and served as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology. She was detained in August 2022 for comments on the internet. Volha was charged for insulting a representative of the authorities and sentenced to 2 years...
Solidaritet med fagforeningsaktivister i Belarus! 🤝\n\nDet brutale regimet i Belarus undertrykker fagforeningsfolk som bruker sine grunneleggende rettigheter til organisering og ytringsfrihet. Derfor har jeg blitt med i denne parlamentariske aksjonen, hvor jeg tar på meg rollen som parlamentarisk gudfar for en av de forfulgte aktivistene: Aliaksei Zabiran.\n...\nAliaksei Zabiran was imprisoned for using the freedom of speech - a fundamental right in all democracies. I condemn the human right violations of the Belarus state and give my full solidarity to Aliaksei and other trade union activists in belarus who courageous stand up for democracy. As his godparent I demand the immediate...
I den tøffe kampen for demokrati mot autoritære krefter, treng dei som står i kampen vår solidaritet. Ein av desse er ingeniøren Yauhen Batura i Belarus som har stått opp for grunnleggande demokratiske rettar i sitt heimland. \n\nYauhen Batura was imprisoned for standing up for democracy in Belarus. Peacefull protest is a legal right and fundamental to all democracies of the world. Me deepfelt solidarity with Yauhen and all courageous trade union activists in Belarus who fight the authoritative state. As his godparent I demand the immediate release Yauhen Batura. “\n \nYauhen Batura is member of the Belarusian Free trade...
På tampen av fjoråret ble lederen av LO i Belarus, Aliaksandr Yarashuk, dømt til 4 års fengsel. Bakgrunnen for dommen er Yarashuk og fagforeningene sin utrettelige kamp for demokrati og faglige rettigheter i Belarus, eller oppvigleri og ordensforstyrrelse som Lukashenka-regimet kaller det for. \n\nVi kan ikke og skal ikke akseptere at fagbevegelsen i andre land blir tiet i hjel av fengselsstraff og sensur. Rødt mener at frie fagforeninger og demokrati går hånd i hånd. Det autoritære Lukashenka-regimet klamrer seg til makten ved å forby og forfølge den uavhengige fagbevelsen. Veien til demokrati i Belarus går gjennom å støtte og styrke...
RT @LiberecoPHR: Aliaksandr Yarashuk is one of the trade union activists on trial behind closed doors in Belarus since yesterday. Norwegian MP @BMoxnes agreed to adopt him as part of our #westandBYyou campaign. We won't forget about those in prison or on trial in Belarus! \nhttps://t.co/FcYSrcF2SJ https://t.co/xt4JuVEkZy