Solidaritet med fagforeningsaktivister i Belarus! 🤝\n\nDet brutale regimet i Belarus undertrykker fagforeningsfolk som bruker sine grunneleggende rettigheter til organisering og ytringsfrihet. Derfor har jeg blitt med i denne parlamentariske aksjonen, hvor jeg tar på meg rollen som parlamentarisk gudfar for en av de forfulgte aktivistene: Aliaksei Zabiran.\n...\nAliaksei Zabiran was imprisoned for using the freedom of speech - a fundamental right in all democracies. I condemn the human right violations of the Belarus state and give my full solidarity to Aliaksei and other trade union activists in belarus who courageous stand up for democracy. As his godparent I demand the immediate release of Aliaksei Zabiran and all other political prisoners of Belarus. \n\nAliaksei Zabiran is member of the Belarusian Independent trade union og miners and chemical workers and worked at the JSC Grodno Azot. He was detained on 4 November 2021 and charged for insulting Lukshenka and representatives of the authorities. Zabiran is imprisoned for 3 years. \n\n#WeStandBYyou \n#BelarusSolidarityCampaign\n@LiberecoPHR\n@Sali_darnast
2023-06-28 12:45:27