🔜PUSHING BACK THE PUSH-BACK: Nordiske likestillingsministre og vår egen statssekretær Gry Haugsbakken prater om digital vold mot kvinner under FNs kvinnekommisjon i New York på mandag. Verdt å få med seg!💪🚻💻\n\nDu kan se det her: https://www.norden.org/en/event/csw67-pushing-back-push-back-nordic-solutions-online-gender-based-violence\n#CSW67 #NordicSolutions \nUnited Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) UN Women Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd
RT @unwomennordic: ‘Norway is a rich country, not because if the oil but because of women’s contribution to the workforce’ says @Trinesg at #CSW63 #NordicSolutions https://t.co/ua8hYCp9Fk
RT @unwomennordic: ‘Norway is a rich country, not because if the oil but because of women’s contribution to the workforce’ says @Trinesg at #CSW63 #NordicSolutions https://t.co/ua8hYCp9Fk
RT @MAHoysti: Panel discussion on shared parenthood #ShareTheCare #NordicSolutions #CSW63 starting, moderated by the excellent @FemiOke https://t.co/lNoOpFs06O
RT @nordenen: Dads! We took your #SharetheCare messages back to policy makers at @UN_CSW. Your voice has been heard and the Nordic Ministers for #GenderEquality are committed to driving change in shared #parentalLeave. ⭐https://t.co/WpiCfzCl5m #CSW63 #NordicSolutions #GenderEquality https://t.co/3B8H8ao02U
RT @marygestrin: Follow the discussion on parental leave and #nordicsolutions at #CSW63 exactly now #ShareTheCare ://webtv.un.org/watch/ecosoc-en/5701464102001 https://t.co/PBHdAj9ASV
RT @nordenen: Yes - we are ready for #CSW639. How about you @katrinjak @AsaLindhagen @EvaKjerHansen @PSillanaukee @Trinesg @shahlesonke? What is your main message about #ShareTheCare at @UN_CSW? Don’t miss the debate on March 12: https://t.co/eawPvxIy2k #NordicSolutions to #GenderEquality https://t.co/eYgYSHGHCZ
🇫🇮🇮🇸🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰 Helsinki: De nordiske statsministerne vil styrke samarbeidet for å nå klimamålene. De har undertegnet en erklæring om å jobbe for karbonnøytralitet i hvert av de nordiske landene. Dette er nødvendig dersom man skal lykkes med målet om å begrense temperaturøkningen til 1,5 grader. #nordicsolutions #climatechange Foto: Finnish Government & SMK
Styrker samarbeidet for å nå klimamål - se opptak fra pressekonferansen her: https://t.co/zDtg574osh #NordicSolutions #ClimateChange https://t.co/QJO6M27xAD
Nordisk klimamøte i Helsinki: pressekonferanse kan sees direkte her kl 14.25: https://t.co/zDtg574osh #NordicSolutions #ClimateChange https://t.co/4NG55Isyv2
RT @FinGovernment: Nordic Climate Meeting today in Helsinki. 🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸🇳🇴🇸🇪 #climate #nordicsolutions https://t.co/y0cswagn9h
Finland @FinGovernment har invitert Nordens statsministere og øvrige statsråder med ansvar for klima til Helsinki fredag 25. januar for å diskutere hvordan de kan styrke det nordiske samarbeidet i kampen mot klimaendringene. #NordicSolutions https://t.co/LTeVEFm13V @kldep https://t.co/Y3ZOqLg696