🇫🇮🇮🇸🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰 Helsinki: De nordiske statsministerne vil styrke samarbeidet for å nå klimamålene. De har undertegnet en erklæring om å jobbe for karbonnøytralitet i hvert av de nordiske landene. Dette er nødvendig dersom man skal lykkes med målet om å begrense temperaturøkningen til 1,5 grader. #nordicsolutions #climatechange Foto: Finnish Government & SMK
RT @NorwayUN: #ClimateChange is moving faster than we are. We need urgent and unprecedented changes to stop global temperatures from rising 🗺 Norway views #ClimateChange as a threat multiplier for #PeaceSecurity, says @jensfh in #UNSC @IPCC_CH https://t.co/d3YkjaYiia
Styrker samarbeidet for å nå klimamål - se opptak fra pressekonferansen her: https://t.co/zDtg574osh #NordicSolutions #ClimateChange https://t.co/QJO6M27xAD
Nordisk klimamøte i Helsinki: pressekonferanse kan sees direkte her kl 14.25: https://t.co/zDtg574osh #NordicSolutions #ClimateChange https://t.co/4NG55Isyv2
Smart Arctic: Investing in smart and green solutions. Held at Arctic Frontiers in Tromsø yesterday, the statement by Minister of Climate and Environment @olaelvestuen https://t.co/JylMal1uoR #ArcticFrontiers #climatechange #ClimateAction
RT @kldep: Unabated climate change would change the Arctic beyond recognition. We need strong policies to speed up the transition to a low emission society. @olaelvestuen at #ArcticFrontiers 2019 #climatechange https://t.co/9Rn8diCFxG
Unabated climate change would change the Arctic beyond recognition. We need strong policies to speed up the transition to a low emission society. @olaelvestuen at #ArcticFrontiers 2019 #climatechange https://t.co/9Rn8diCFxG
RT @AndreasAasheim: Hvor desillusjonert må du være for å hevde at dette er "naturlige svingninger"? https://t.co/JLuhZOZFvd
RT @EEANorwayGrants: Today is the launch of the @EEANorwayGrants #climatechange mitigation and adaptation #programmes - Find out how we're working together for a #green, #competitive and #inclusive Europe! https://t.co/E1jUuJdEbe #climateaction #climatechange https://t.co/9T84KYIQvs
RT @TheElders: Will leaders raise their climate ambitions in order to meet the #1o5C target? #StepUp2018 https://t.co/1nkw8PbKo4 #climatechange #VirtualClimateSummit @TheCVF https://t.co/E5ZAZULfEP
RT @IPCC_CH: The @IPCC_CH Special Report of Global Warming of 1.5°C is available at https://t.co/VzWQKiRRA2 This includes the Summary for Policymakers and chapters of the full report. #SR15 #climatechange #ParisAgreement https://t.co/XbMhZtohxa
UNSG @antonioguterres : #ClimateChange is posing a direct existential threat to mankind. But we do have the tools… https://t.co/gZnQGEJZ8X
It’s for real: #ClimateChange is now creating those extreme weather events that scientists predicted years ago. Hur… https://t.co/b0xE0DBWjK
RT @nikolaiastrup: Good bilateral meetings with several Pacific Island States this week. We have a longstanding cooperation on #ClimateChange and I am impressed by ambitious goals and transition to renewable energy among the states. #NauruPIF2018 #SDG https://t.co/JO3FatvdWb
RT @nikolaiastrup: Pleased to announce that Norway will support the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Nuku`alofa #Tonga. Norway is also a strong supporter of @GCFund. We provide USD 271 mill & advocate simplified access to GCF for SIDS. #ClimateChange #NauruPIF2018 https://t.co/FSivbTDHVu
RT @sletnes: Good #MoCa meeting with @olaelvestuen on #climatechange today with @MAC_europe who raised “the level of ambition of… https://t.co/SRDqs2ttLY
Sånn er stortingsrepresentanten vår https://t.co/Ma3UhSFpB0
Litt for lite klima på øret? Abonner på @gronnhetstyrann, og ta en titt på disse: https://t.co/lUr9letPZ6