Tusenvis av iranere har demonstrert i gatene den siste måneden i protest med det islamske regimet, moralpolitiet og kvinneundertrykkelse. \n\nNorge må støtte den modige kampen!\n\nI dag fikk SV flere gode innspill fra 10 iranske og kurdiske kvinner på Stortinget. ❤\n\n#iran #womensrights #irandemonstrations #humanrights
Zhina Amini og alle andre iranere som er blitt drept og undertrykt av Irans regime vil ikke bli glemt.\n\nDemonstrantene som har holdt ut uke etter uke, på tross av harde angrep fra regimets politi, må vinne frem. \n\nWoman. Life. Freedom. \n\nSolidaritet med det iranske folk! \n\n#Iran #humanrights #ZhinaAmini #womensrights
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Promotion and protection of #HumanRights & #WomensRights are at the core of Norway’s 🇳🇴 foreign policy and development cooperation. #HumanRightsDay #StandUp4HumanRights https://t.co/mwKwyipVIa
RT @EFTAsecretariat: #EFTA #ParliamentaryCommittee discussing #Justice #WomensRights & #HumanRights in #SEJM Polish Parliament. Future of @EEANorwayGrants must be safeguarded. https://t.co/k55o7zXvYB
RT @NorwayUN: #DYK The 🇺🇳 Peace Building Fund allocates 4⃣0⃣% of its investments to #WomensRights & #WPS ? 👏 Norway commits USD 5⃣8⃣ mill…
RT @SaaraHyrkko: Nordic parliamentarians got together to discuss development of #SRHR. Special thanks to Alanna Galati of @Guttmacher for shining light on the opportunities and challenges of the Biden administration. A lot of expectations but it’s not gonna be a walk in the park. #womensrights https://t.co/q8smzZ34FQ
RT @LivToerres: Hurray for women´s rights and freedom! Congratulations to Argentinian women! #WomensRights
RT @NorwayMFA: Excellent talk with @AranchaGlezLaya on the importance of gender sensitive #Covid19 response. Women & girls are heavily affected, but also critical to the rebuilding of societies and economies. #WomensRights important in all response & recovery efforts - FM #EriksenSoreide https://t.co/uMidbngLF2
Excellent talk with @AranchaGlezLaya on the importance of gender sensitive #Covid19 response. Women & girls are heavily affected, but also critical to the rebuilding of societies and economies. #WomensRights important in all response & recovery efforts - FM #EriksenSoreide https://t.co/uMidbngLF2
RT @UNDP: Legislation plays a critical role in protecting #HumanRights, particularly #womensrights after conflict. Parliamentarians have a key role in upholding #UNSCR1325 on women, peace, & security. Our handbook, funded by @NorwayMFA, offers steps to get started. https://t.co/cIiKEF7TaJ
RT @dagiulstein: Informative visit to #Myanmar and good discussions w/ our hosts. Norway a long-term partner. Important to see improvement for IDPs and refugees from #Rakhine #humanrights #socialdevelopment #education #WomensRights https://t.co/5I0vfmW6DU
Informative visit to #Myanmar and good discussions w/ our hosts. Norway a long-term partner. Important to see improvement for IDPs and refugees from #Rakhine #humanrights #socialdevelopment #education #WomensRights https://t.co/5I0vfmW6DU
RT @mathildatimm: ”Pohjoismaissa meillä on systeemitason edellytykset tasa-arvon toteutumiselle, mutta kulttuuri laahaa perässä. Tarvitaan kulttuurin muutos!” @Trinesg #WomensRights https://t.co/PmFvD6fs6X
RT @RaftoFoundation: Godt møte med @Utenriksdept og @dagiulstein om kvinnelige menneskerettighetsforsvarere, næringsliv og menneskerettigheter og kampen mot moderne slaveri #WomensRights #bizhumanrights #StandUp4HumanRights https://t.co/I2uYUhJhSK