Søket ga 79 treff.
Torill Eidsheim
2022-01-13 09:28:55

Balansert analyse @NRK? I beste fall pinlig!

Torill Eidsheim
2021-12-15 10:50:39

RT @LarsPersen: Bare legger denne her så lenge.

Torill Eidsheim
2021-12-14 08:05:48

@emiers Seriøst Emil? Og det ville lagt eit godt grunnlag for tillit i samfunnet, meiner du? La oss verkeleg håpe at ei kvar regjering ikkje innfører strengare tiltak enn smittetrykket tilseier at er nødvendig!

Torill Eidsheim
2021-10-06 21:44:57

RT @HWarloe: POLITIKERE SOM ikke klarer å motstå fristelser på dessertbordet, vil kanskje heller ikke klare å motstå fristelsen til å stikke fingrene ned i honningkrukken og bruke for mye oljepenger? Valgløftene til Ap og Sp kommer til å koste MYE penger! 😬

Torill Eidsheim
2021-09-30 18:49:57

To års arbeid i @oscepa samlet mellom «permer». Nå overtar Island stafettpinnen for å løfte oppmerksomheten om Arktis.

Torill Eidsheim
2021-08-27 15:32:55

@HWarloe Bra, registrerer forøvrig at Batman også er into the blue…🙄

Torill Eidsheim
2021-08-19 00:11:45

RT @coxitpr: I dagens første diskusjon møtes vi fysisk for å diskutere den digitale møteplassen. Hvordan har vi samhandlet og jobbet under pandemien, og hvordan skal vi jobbe fremover? Og hva med datahåndteringen?

Torill Eidsheim
2021-08-17 22:52:42

RT @eiendomsmegling: Boligdebatt: Hvordan forbedre og bevare den norske boligmodellen🏡🇳🇴 Se debatten her:

Torill Eidsheim
2021-08-13 11:28:11

RT @oscepa: The latest #IPCCReport should serve as a wake-up call for policymakers to take bold #ClimateAction towards drastic reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, leaders of the #OSCE PA said today. ➡️ @MCederfelt @perejoanpons

Torill Eidsheim
2021-06-15 22:56:52

RT @AFP: #BREAKING Irreversible warming tipping point may have been triggered: Arctic mission chief

Torill Eidsheim
2021-05-25 16:10:06

RT @oscepa: The @oscepa with the scientific support of the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA) is holding a web dialogue "Framing the Environmental Security - Public Health Nexus" tomorrow from 14:30 to 17:00. Follow it online on our page ➡️➡️ via @oscepa

Torill Eidsheim
2021-05-21 19:45:42

RT @oscepa: #Arctic must remain an area of co-operation, including in addressing #ClimateCrisis, #OSCE parliamentarians say at virtual meeting ➡️ #HighNorth @HighNorthNews

Torill Eidsheim
2021-05-03 12:16:01

RT @oscepa: Special Rep on #Arctic Issues @TORILLeidsheim met representatives of the @SaamiCouncil today, focusing on the impact of #climatechange on Arctic indigenous communities and other challenges faced by Sami people. #ClimateAction

Torill Eidsheim
2021-04-22 14:15:07

RT @oscepa: Happy #InternationalMotherEarthDay! "It is paramount that we are all pulling in the same direction to reduce the loss of biodiversity and fight global #climatechange,” says @TORILLeidsheim. Click here for the full statement ➡️ 🌎

Torill Eidsheim
2021-02-26 15:53:12

Adressing the @oscepa Standing Committee and 2nd Committee; calling to develop a more structured portfolio on climate change - the Arctic showing how urgent for all.

Torill Eidsheim
2021-02-26 15:42:19

RT @oscepa: “We should collectively seize this opportunity and encourage our parliaments to play a pivotal role in forging the new, post-COVID19, world order,” says #OSCEPA econ/enviro comm Rapporteur @EGjebrea at today's meeting. Watch the live stream here ➡️

Torill Eidsheim
2021-02-26 15:41:17

A privilege to listen as well @HelgaSchmid_SG !

Torill Eidsheim
2021-02-25 14:20:45

RT @HelgaSchmid_SG: Promising #climatechange & #security focused discussion with @OSCE & @adelphi_berlin colleagues. Climate change is rapidly emerging as leading global security risk that requires cross-sectoral/transborder dialogue. #OSCE can, and should, play a role, now and in the future.

Torill Eidsheim
2021-02-24 17:30:07

RT @oscepa: The #OSCEPA's 20th Winter Meeting is set to begin with a virtual meeting of the Assembly's Standing Committee - comprising heads of delegations and members of the Bureau. On Thursday, the opening joint session will kick off with high-level speeches.

Torill Eidsheim
2021-02-24 16:58:09

RT @oscepa: What happens in the #Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic, says #OSCEPA Special Rep @TORILLeidsheim in report to Standing Committee. Through legislation & oversight, parliamentarians can help build sustainable and #climate-friendly societies. Full report ➡️
