Søket ga 3 treff.
Olje- og energidep
2022-08-30 13:12:39

— I welcome the change in several European countries to allow for more oil and gas production in Europe. We are also encouraged by the potential for cooperation on offshore renewable energy, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage. @terjeaa at #ONS2022 \n

Roy Steffensen
2022-08-29 11:46:05

«I love Norway», sier @elonmusk \nSubsidiene for elbil koster ca 20 milliarder kr i året. Ros kommer ikke uten en kostnad #ONS2022

Nikolai Astrup
2022-08-25 12:02:36

RT @skift_norge: På #ONS2022 vil #Klimaoptimistene sammen med \n@ThinaSaltvedt, @nikolaiastrup og @konservativ holde live podkast om temaet…
