Søket ga 4 treff.
Espen Barth Eide
2021-02-19 19:37:11

På samme dag som 🇺🇸 formelt gjeninntrer i Parisavtalen, tok @jensstoltenberg til orde for at også @nato skal støtte målet om NetZero (karbonnøytralitet) innen 2050. Både han, president Joe Biden og klimautsending John Kerry deltok på Sikkerhetskonferansen i München, som i år var digital. #MSC2021

Espen Barth Eide
2021-02-19 19:18:57

The climate-security nexus is front and centre at #MSC2021. On the day the US formally rejoins Paris, SG @jensstoltenberg suggests that @NATO joins the quest for Net Zero carbon emissions. He also explains how climate change permeate military operations & allied defence planing.

Espen Barth Eide
2021-02-19 17:37:23

“-America is back. We are at an inflection point between autocracy and democracy. We can win this race for the future”. (...) “But competition does not rule out cooperation on what unites us all.” @POTUS calls democratic nations to action at #MSC2021.

Espen Barth Eide
2021-02-19 16:11:17

The 2021 edition of the @MunSecConf is all-digital. However, the program is as stellar as ever, including w/ @POTUS @JoeBiden giving his first address to Europe as President. Strongly recommended. Live now! #MSC2021
