Søket ga 2 treff.
Bent Høie
2018-08-23 13:03:09

RT @StylianidesEU: Thank you to #Norway for its offer, through #EUCivPro , of a Medical evacuation support team to help fight the #Ebola outbreak in #DRC. The team will arrive in #Goma today. #EU’s strong support to tackle the outbreak continues #solidarity

Helse- og omsorgsdep
2018-08-23 10:34:45

RT @StylianidesEU: Thank you to #Norway for its offer, through #EUCivPro , of a Medical evacuation support team to help fight the #Ebola outbreak in #DRC. The team will arrive in #Goma today. #EU’s strong support to tackle the outbreak continues #solidarity
