RT @pitres: After 2 #COVID-dominated yrs @OECD welcomes Parliamentarians & Legislators in person from across #OECD & beyond to #OECDParl Global Parliamentary Network mtg on #economic #social impact of #Ukraine war & recovery from Pandemic\n@natopapress @PACE_News \n ➡️ https://t.co/fWQBP8Ou99 https://t.co/sKl7x1o1Y6
#EriksenSoreide at #OECD’s annual ministereal conference: #COVID19 is a global crisis that cannot be solved by each country alone. The solution to the pandemic is more international cooperation, not less. We must make full use of @OECD @WHO @wto and the @UN family https://t.co/fSDyMEsnr5
#EriksenSoreide at #OECD’s annual ministereal conference: #COVID19 is a global crisis snd cannot be solved by each country alone. The solution to the pandemic is more international cooperation, not less. We must make full use of @OECD @WHO @wto and the @UN family
RT @StatssekHagen: Global trade severely affected by #COVID19. Protectionism & new barriers are not the answer to this global crisis. Keeping global markets open is key to limit the consequences of the pandemic #OECD https://t.co/7DF9vcWGG5
Oh Happy Flag 😎 #oecd #brussel #arbeidsogsosialkomiteen #flagg #strikeapose #glede #smil #eufori
Minister of Finance @Siv_Jensen_FrP preparing for the panel discussion on status and outlook for multilateralism with amongst others @BrunoLeMaire , @SecretaryRoss @MarisKucinskis. Follow the discussion live at 2pm: https://t.co/TzPgpbCPP8 #oecd
Finansminister @Siv_Jensen_FrP forbereder seg til paneldiskusjon hos OECD om status og utsikter for multilateralisme med blant annet USAs handelsminister @SecretaryRoss og Frankrikes økonomiminister @BrunoLeMaire. Følg diskusjonen direkte kl 14: https://t.co/UQ5uQbBNWF #oecd https://t.co/tWwaHJjYer
I to dager har sosialministre, forskere, arbeidslivets parter diskutert sosialpolitikk, og hvordan sikre at flere får ta del i velstandsutviklingen og at barn og unge sikres en trygg fremtid. Nordisk råd arrangerte også et seminar om likestilling i arbeidslivet, og fikk overlevert en rapport som viser at det også er - ikke overraskende - lønnsomt!😀🇳🇴🇨🇦 #SharedProsperity #Montreal #OECD