Thank you to you @andersen_inger for all your efforts to help deliver on the strong mandate that was unanimously adopted at #UNEA last year. The Paris intergovernmental conference should take us closer to the ultimate goal of a comprehensive legal treaty to #BeatPlasticPollution.
🌿Progression is possible with collective ambitious efforts, said Minister @EspenBarthEide. Shardul Agrawala from OECD handed over the new Global Plastic Outlook report, an important knowledgebase for the upcoming #UNEA negotiations for a global agreement to end plastic pollution
RT @EspenBarthEide: Building on the achievements of #UNEA 5 in Nairobi, @UNEP Executive Director @andersen_inger, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary @Keriako_tobioko and I as UNEA5 President met with UNEA6 President @LeilaRBenali to build a strong momentum towards the 2024 Assembly. #EndPlasticPollution
Building on the achievements of #UNEA 5 in Nairobi, @UNEP Executive Director @andersen_inger, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary @Keriako_tobioko and I as UNEA5 President met with UNEA6 President @LeilaRBenali to build a strong momentum towards the 2024 Assembly. #EndPlasticPollution
Aldri før er det produsert så mye kjemikalier. Mange er skadelige for helse og miljø. Endelig får vi et internasjonalt vitenskapspanel for forurensning, inspirert av de vi alt har for klima og biologisk mangfold. oppsummerer en av de viktigste beslutningene fra #UNEA i Nairobi. 🇺🇳🌍
Aldri før er det produsert så mye kjemikalier. Mange er skadelige for helse og miljø. Endelig får vi et internasjonalt vitenskapspanel for forurensning, inspirert av de vi alt har for klima og biologisk mangfold. Viktig beslutning fra #UNEA i Nairobi. 🇺🇳🌍
We did it! At #UNEA, the world came together to fight the scourge of plastic pollution through a legally binding treaty with a full lifecycle scope. The most important environmental deal since the #ParisAgreement\n♻️🌎🦎🌿\n#BeatPlasticPollution\n#ForNature @UNEP \n@EspenBarthEide👇
RT @EspenBarthEide: We proved it could be done! At #UNEA, the world came together to fight the scourge of plastic pollution through a legally binding treaty with a full lifecycle scope. We need to #BeatPlasticPollution by building a healthy circular economy. 🇺🇳🌍✌🏼
We proved it could be done! At #UNEA, the world came together to fight the scourge of plastic pollution through a legally binding treaty with a full lifecycle scope. We need to #BeatPlasticPollution by building a healthy circular economy. 🇺🇳🌍✌🏼
RT @NorwayInKenya: 🇳🇴 #UNEA President @EspenBarthEide consulting with youth, civil society and 🇺🇳 major groups ahead of the fifth UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi 🇰🇪
Norge er verdensledende på gjenvinning av plastflasker gjennom panteordningen♻️\n\nInfinitum, som driver og eier panteordningen i Norge, har de seneste årene oppnådd en innsamlingsgrad på over 95 %. Det betyr at flere tusen tonn aluminium og plast ikke kommer på avveie🚯\n\nKlima- og miljøminister Espen Barth Eide besøkte Infinitum før avreise til FNs miljøforsamling #UNEA i Nairobi neste uke.
RT @EspenBarthEide: Vi har en klimakrise og en naturkrise. Nå seiler en tredje krise opp: miljøgiftkrisen. Som president i FNs miljøforsamling #UNEA ønsker 🇳🇴 at vi etablerer et globalt kjemikaliepanel, etter modell fra klima- og biodiversitetsarbeidet i 🇺🇳. @UNEP 🌍
Vi har en klimakrise og en naturkrise. Nå seiler en tredje krise opp: miljøgiftkrisen. Som president i FNs miljøforsamling #UNEA ønsker 🇳🇴 at vi etablerer et globalt kjemikaliepanel, etter modell fra klima- og biodiversitetsarbeidet i 🇺🇳. @UNEP 🌍
Norway currently holds the Presidency of #UNEA. I very much look forward to working with @UNEP and @andersen_inger on key environmental challenges, including initiating negotiations towards a strong global treaty to fight plastic pollution. 🇳🇴🇺🇳 @COP26
#UNEA president @Rotevatn; Nothing strengthens UNEP and UNEA more than delivering solutions to pressing environmental problems. The world must take decisive steps forward to rid oceans of plastic litter at UNEA-5 next year.
#UNEA president @Rotevatn The global demand to end plastic pollution is growing every day. We have heard a clear call from countries; a new global agreement will help us get the results we want. Nature cannot wait. Neither can we. #plasticpollution
#UNEA president @Rotevatn at The global demand to end plastic pollution is growing every day. We have heard a clear call from countries; a new global agreement will help us get the results we want. Nature cannot wait. Neither can we. #plasticpollution
RT @andersen_inger: Inspiring words from @Rotevatn, President of the 5th UN Environment Assembly as we open first-ever virtual #UNEA. Representatives from more than 150 Member State, civil society, and youth groups tuned in. "We are in this together and must respond together." #UNEA5 #ForNature
Klima- og miljøminister Sveinung @Rotevatn tek over vervet som president i FN si miljøforsamling. FN si miljøforsamling er ein av dei viktigaste møteplassane for verdas miljøministrar. #SDGs #berekraft #natur #unea @UNEP