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Linda H. Helleland
2023-11-21 07:44:38

Høyre lanserer 40 tiltak for kunstig intelligens. Tiltakene skal bidra til at KI brukes på en trygg og verdifull måte.\n\nVi vil bl.a. etablere et KI-råd (likt dagens Bioteknologiråd) @Alltinget #KI #AI\n\nTakk til ekspertgruppen for et verdifullt arbeid! \n

Linda H. Helleland
2023-07-22 15:34:33

Godt å lese på 22. juli ❤️🌹fra Høyres mann i Trondheim \n

Linda H. Helleland
2023-05-29 11:34:43

Det blir som å la bukken passe havresekken…\n\nNorsk idrett vil miste troverdighet i verdikampen vi fører internasjonalt.\n\nIOC vinner frem nok en gang….og skuffende at styret i @idrett villeder Idrettstinget om hva saken egentlig handler om \n\n@AntidopingNorge

Linda H. Helleland
2023-03-16 15:05:27

RT @JanAageFjortoft: Gianni Infantino will be elected FIFA - president without any other candidate on the list! \nThe most important job in…

Linda H. Helleland
2023-03-08 13:45:53

Interesting days at Nato headquarters, discussing our common challenges with our important defense partners. Meeting with the NATO ambassadors from Ukraine, Turkey, Lithuania and Netherlands talking about how to strengthen our ability to defend our common European interests @NATO

Linda H. Helleland
2023-02-16 16:14:55

Thanx for hosting us! We had a very useful and interesting visit.

Linda H. Helleland
2023-02-15 17:42:44

Senior Executive Course at Norwegian Defence University College visiting Helsinki discussing challenging times in Europe and welcoming Finland to NATO @AHuitfeldt @martehei

Linda H. Helleland
2022-12-06 10:29:09

2/2 \n\nKun 3 % av næringslivet har nå tillit til regjeringens skatte- og avgiftspolitikk \n(\n\nKonsekvensene av politikken er permitteringer, stopp i investeringer og i siste instans mer utrygge jobber for folk i hele landet.

Linda H. Helleland
2022-12-06 10:27:30

1/2 Regjeringen bidrar til stor usikkerhet og økt politisk risiko gjennom sin uforutsigbare skatte- og avgiftspolitikk. På kort tid er det blitt innført flere nye og midlertidige skatter, uten en grundig prosess i forkant. \n

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-26 10:55:04

RT @coe: Where do sports' ministers stand on value-based sports for all as an unique boost for one’s health, life and dreams?\n\nFollow @spor…

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-26 10:41:55

@PACE_News \n“There is a pressing need to stop violence and discrimination against women, including LBTI women, in sport, promote gender equality, invest in sport for all, encourage women’s and girls’ participation and put an end to their invisibility in this field”\n@iocmedia @coe

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-26 10:38:09

@PACE_News \n“Numerous acts of violence and abuse have been reported in sport.There can be no impunity or silence and we do expect the unreserved collaboration of sports organizations. Investigations must be prompt and those responsible must be identified, prosecuted and punished”

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-26 10:25:42

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly:\n\n“Full and equal access to the practice of sport must be guaranteed to all women. This also means that transgender and intersex athletes should be allowed to train and compete in sports competitions consistent with their gender identity”.

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-26 10:23:43

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly:\n\n“Full and equal access to the practice of sport must be guaranteed to all women. This also means that transgender and intersex athletes should be allowed to train and compete in sports competitions consistent with their gender identity”.

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-26 10:17:01

Great pleasure to be head of delegation of @PACE_News at the @coe Conference of Ministers for sport in Turkey today #RethinkingSport @iocmedia

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 21:57:22

Wording @Lisekla speech @coe \n\nPaper reforms are not nearly enough. We must now move from policy to impact, move beyond compliance and dare to walk the talk. Unfortunately, we cannot see FIFA doing enough in practice @dohanews @VgNettAnders @FIFAWorldCup

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 21:54:19

Wording from @Lisekla speech in @coe \n\n«Paper reforms are not nearly enough. We must now move from policy to impact, move beyond compliance and dare to walk the talk. Unfortunately, we cannot see FIFA doing enough in practice»\n@dohanews @VgNettAnders

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 19:17:52

If applicants haven’t implemented general human rights they can’t be a candidate to host any international \nsport events like the @FIFAWorldCup \n\nAs a member of the committee on sport: We are not interested in paper reforms. It’s time for action. It’s actually past overdue!

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 15:05:17

Great to have the President of the Football Association of Norway, @Lisekla visiting The Council of Europe, @PACE_News and discussing worker’s rights in Qatar #FIFAWorldCup

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 15:04:27

RT @VgNettAnders: Møtte @Lisekla og @Lindacath i Strasbourg i går. Der var det bekymring dersom ikke internatsjonal fotball velger en ny retning enn den vi ser nå.
