Person / Aktør:
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (Norge)
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (Norge)

I dag snakket helse- og omsorgsminister Ingvild Kjerkol med Ukrainas helseminister Viktor Liashko i forbindelse med overlevering av fem ambulansebusser til Ukraina 21. august.\n \n– Norway stands together with the Ukrainian people. And together with our European and allied colleagues. We will continue to support the Ukrainian people’s fight for freedom. You are fighting to defend not only your own country, but also our democratic values.

2022-08-26 20:34:42

Delt innhold:
I dag snakket helse- og omsorgsminister Ingvild Kjerkol med Ukrainas helseminister Viktor Liashko i forbindelse med overlevering av fem ambulansebusser til Ukraina 21. august.\n \n– Norway stands together with the Ukrainian people. And together with our European and allied colleagues. We will continue to support the Ukrainian people’s fight for freedom. You are fighting to defend not only your own country, but also our democratic values.