Person / Aktør:
Linda Hofstad Helleland
Linda Hofstad Helleland
Parti: H

Ber Russland forlate Europarådet!\n\nI kveld ber Europarådets parlamentarikerforsamling om at Russland ekskluderes fra dette europeiske samarbeidet. \nNedenfor er min tale på dagens møte. \n\nThis is a historical moment.\n\nBut it was not in horrifying circumstances like this, I imagined my first speech to the Assembly.\nIn circumstances when one member of our organization has invaded another.\n\nIt is quite an unimaginable situation.\nMy heart goes out to the people of Ukraine who are victims of the ongoing aggression. And to our Ukrainian colleagues.\n\n​​The images we receive from Ukraine are terrifying.\n The war resulting in thousands of civilian, casualties, including hundreds of deaths.\nIt has displaced millions of people, inside and outside Ukraine.\n It has caused terrible devastation.\n \nThis should end immediately.\n\nWe all support the decision on requesting Russia to withdraw from Council of Europe.\n\nAt the same time we should bear in mind thousands of Russians that are protesting against the war, and have no access to free media, independent and objective information about what is going on.\nThese individuals, with their courage are also heroes in our time.\n\nEvery day we hear about Russians risking their lives in their fight against propaganda and misinformation in their own country.\n\nI know from my own experience what it takes to stand up against manipulation by Russia.\nWhen I was fighting for human rights in the biggest scandal in\ninternational sport and against the state organized\ndoping regime in Russia, as the vice president of world anti-doping agency.\n\nMy family and I was threatened.\n\n We really need to support the courageous individuals that put their life in danger to tell the truth.\nThey are our allies.\nThe Council of Europe really need to support and\nfind ways to reach out\nto these courageous members of the Russian people. \n\n​​​​​These are extraordinary times, for which we need to\ndeliberate extraordinary measures.\nThe text in front of you is a strong message.\n And I will warned against mentioning to many\n perspective to water it out, for instance,\n bringing in the question of no-fly-zone.\n \nThe Council of Europe does not have in it`s mandate to deal with military issues.\nI sincerely hope this text it can be supported by\n all 46-member states. \nThank You!

2022-03-15 18:16:54

Delt innhold:
Ber Russland forlate Europarådet!\n\nI kveld ber Europarådets parlamentarikerforsamling om at Russland ekskluderes fra dette europeiske samarbeidet. \nNedenfor er min tale på dagens møte. \n\nThis is a historical moment.\n\nBut it was not in horrifying circumstances like this, I imagined my first speech to the Assembly.\nIn circumstances when one member of our organization has invaded another.\n\nIt is quite an unimaginable situation.\nMy heart goes out to the people of Ukraine who are victims of the ongoing aggression. And to our Ukrainian colleagues.\n\n​​The images we receive from Ukraine are terrifying.\n The war resulting in thousands of civilian, casualties, including hundreds of deaths.\nIt has displaced millions of people, inside and outside Ukraine.\n It has caused terrible devastation.\n \nThis should end immediately.\n\nWe all support the decision on requesting Russia to withdraw from Council of Europe.\n\nAt the same time we should bear in mind thousands of Russians that are protesting against the war, and have no access to free media, independent and objective information about what is going on.\nThese individuals, with their courage are also heroes in our time.\n\nEvery day we hear about Russians risking their lives in their fight against propaganda and misinformation in their own country.\n\nI know from my own experience what it takes to stand up against manipulation by Russia.\nWhen I was fighting for human rights in the biggest scandal in\ninternational sport and against the state organized\ndoping regime in Russia, as the vice president of world anti-doping agency.\n\nMy family and I was threatened.\n\n We really need to support the courageous individuals that put their life in danger to tell the truth.\nThey are our allies.\nThe Council of Europe really need to support and\nfind ways to reach out\nto these courageous members of the Russian people. \n\n​​​​​These are extraordinary times, for which we need to\ndeliberate extraordinary measures.\nThe text in front of you is a strong message.\n And I will warned against mentioning to many\n perspective to water it out, for instance,\n bringing in the question of no-fly-zone.\n \nThe Council of Europe does not have in it`s mandate to deal with military issues.\nI sincerely hope this text it can be supported by\n all 46-member states. \nThank You!