Person / Aktør:
Anniken Hauglie
Anniken Hauglie
Parti: H

På tampen av dagen i dag, Europadagen, deler jeg denne talen - som bedre enn noen forklarer hvorfor et tett og nært samarbeid i Europa er viktig. Og hva Europa er i en omskiftelig tid. EU er ikke først og fremst et marked, men en vilje om å leve sammen. 🇳🇴💙🇪🇺


2018-05-09 23:11:57

Delt innhold:
EPP Group in the European Parliament
What a speech! “Europe is not a market, it is the will to live together. Leaving Europe is not leaving a market, it is leaving shared dreams. We can have a common market, but if we do not have common dreams, we have nothing. Europe is the peace that came after the disaster of war. Europe is the pardon between French and Germans. Europe is the return to freedom of Greece, Spain and Portugal. Europe is the fall of the Berlin Wall. Europe is the end of communism. Europe is the welfare state, it is democracy,” Esteban González Pons reminds us today, on the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. #EU60