Person / Aktør:
Dag Inge Ulstein
Dag Inge Ulstein
Parti: KRF

Ny rapport fra #havpanelet. Den siste av panelets 16 delrapporter, en viktig milepæl. Ser fram til lanseringen av havpanelets hovedrapport.  3. desember!


2020-10-28 11:38:02

Delt innhold:
High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
This paper examines how the next generation of financing mechanisms can support the ocean transition in an inclusive manner and how catalytic funds can be mobilised to finance that transition. It demonstrates the role insurance can play in accelerating the transition; and how ocean-related subsidies contribute to or detract from the sustainable ocean economy, recommending approaches to be phased out and new solutions that incentivise sustainable management.