Person / Aktør:
Dag Inge Ulstein
Dag Inge Ulstein
Parti: KRF

Young people themselves must be at the forefront, with decision-making power, bringing their creativity, energy and problem-solving skills to the world’s greatest challenges.» Thank you for these words @antonioguterres

2020-09-01 18:55:56

Delt innhold:
Narrowing Digital Divide Could Become ‘Greatest Equalizer’ in Promoting Equality, Secretary-General Tells Online Conference, Calling on Nations to Support Youth | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks to a virtual high-level meeting on Generation Unlimited — Connecting Half the World to Opportunities, in New York today: It is a pleasure to join this important discussion on how we can build, strengthen and utilize digital connectivity and learning platforms to create opportunities for the largest generation of young people in history. Our world is in trouble. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed gaps, fragilities and inequalities that have been