Person / Aktør:
Olje- og energidep
Olje- og energidep

Olje- og energiminister Tina Bru deltok mandag i et ministermøte om utviklingen av havvind i Nordsjøen og Irskesjøen. Du kan lese pressemelding fra møtet under👇

2020-07-07 09:24:30

Delt innhold:
North Seas countries call for European enabling framework for offshore wind energy cooperation on the way to climate neutrality
At today’s Ministerial Meeting of the North Seas Energy Cooperation [i] under the German Presidency, Energy Ministers and the European Commissioner for Energy agreed on the key role of offshore wind energy in reaching Europe’s renewable energy and climate targets up to 2050. The vast potential of the North Seas could contribute in a significant way to an increased deployment of offshore wind energy. In particular, the accelerated implementation of cross-border offshore wind projects that are interconnected