Person / Aktør:
Dag Inge Ulstein
Dag Inge Ulstein
Parti: KRF

I to uker har ungdom fra blant annet Malawi, Tanzania,Uganda og Bangladesh jobbet frem nye løsninger i sine lokalsamfunn. Innovasjon, digitalisering og unge stemmer trengs for å nå #bærekraftsmålene. @PlanNorge og @YSIglobal


2020-06-02 14:40:17

Delt innhold:
Youth hacking the Covid-crisis
Plan International Norway, Young Sustainable Impact and Accenture has invited youth from around the world to join a Youth Innovation Hack - an online innovation program for youth aged 16-25. During the program of two weeks, the participants are working together in teams to create solutions/ideas to answer some of the most pressing cha llenges girls and communities in Bangladesh, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi are facing because of the corona virus pandemic. There are 9 teams with representatives from 13