Person / Aktør:
Norway MFA

#Norway remains a #consistentpartner to @UN . Of this record high @UNCERF allocation, Norway contributes with $12,5 mill. #NorwayHumStrategy @UNOCHA @UNReliefChief @NorwayUN @NorwayInGeneva @LeniStenseth


2019-04-24 11:01:34

Delt innhold:
CERF releases record allocation of $125M for world's underfunded crises | CERF
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock approved today the allocation of US$125 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to support the response in 13 underfunded emergencies (UFE). This is the largest underfunded allocation in CERF history, made possible by the increasing generosity and diversity of donors to the fund. “This CERF allocation is a lifeline for millions of people caught up in crises across the globe where the level of