Søket ga 3 treff.
2020-10-16 17:29:02

RT @korpsmariniers: Altijd, overal en onder de zwaarste omstandigheden. De jaarlijkse bergtraining van het Korps Mariniers zit er op. In dit draadje staan de berichten die wij over de Joint Mountain Training 2020 hebben geplaatst de afgelopen 2 maanden. #QPO #thread #Noorwegen ⤵️⤵️

Kari Elisabeth Kaski
2020-06-01 12:59:39

RT @SonyKapoor: The #GeorgeFloydMurder is the latest in a long history of #racist atrocities visited on Black people & minorities in the US & elsewhere. If u are in some position of authority, power, privilege & have a public platform you need to speak up and be counted. A v personal #thread

Karin Andersen
2019-08-19 09:57:08

RT @StefSimanowitz: @amnesty @AmnestyUK @amnestyitalia @AmnestyGreece @amnistiaespana @amnesty_de @openarms_fund @seawatch_intl @hrw @RefugeesChief @BiancaJagger The current migration system in Europe is broken. It is failing both frontline EU states & the men, women and children desperately seeking safety. To understand how we got into this situation and what needs to be done, check out this #THREAD.
