Søket ga 5 treff.
Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-11-06 16:06:05

Sterke inntrykk @MaitiNepal , som redder ofre for menneskehandel tvangs- og slavearbeid. Disse menneskene har lik rett som oss til et trygt liv i respekt og med verdighet. Takknemlig for at vi i Norge kan bidra til å bekjempe #Moderneslaveri #NorwayNepal

Norway MFA
2019-11-06 11:43:27

Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein : Positive that Nepal takes positive steps to fight forced and bonded labor. Robust laws and prosecutions important. Norway 🇳🇴 Stepping up efforts to combat #modernslavery w/focus on the most vulnerable #NorwayNepal #SDG8 #Alliance 8.7 #Achieve87

Norway MFA
2019-11-05 12:46:25

Smart cultivation methodes & irrigation solutions have helped citizens of Chaurangefedi improve crops despite drier, warmer climate. Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein visited #NorwayNepal. #climatechange #foodsecurity #health Major priority in Norway’s development assistance #SDG13

Norway MFA
2019-11-04 13:23:44

Norway a long-term development partner for Nepal in energy sector #hydropower. Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein & Finmin Khatiwada witnessed signing of $40 M grant funding for new electricity distribution for Nepal’s poorest #LeaveNoOneBehind #NorwayNepal

Norway MFA
2019-11-04 13:14:27

Clean energy, Education, and good governance key in #NorwayNepal cooperation. Norway supports Nepal w/ $18.5 M to build capacity at local level. Women & gender equality top of the agenda. Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein in good discussions w/ @pradeeogyawalik
