Søket ga 3 treff.
Seher Aydar
2022-10-14 18:42:21

RT @HejirK: A bit of update about what is going on in Kurdistan and Iran. The uprising has stretched into the poor areas of Iran, especially in Tehran the capital of Iran. \n#JinaAmini \n#MahsaAmini

Seher Aydar
2022-09-26 08:11:30

RT @HejirK: My friends ask for help, I ask for help too. A video is sent to me where a policeman gives a wounded protester a death shot after calling him bad names. A massacre is going to happen in your silence when they shut down the internet in Kurdistan and Iran. \n#MahsaAmani \n#JinaAmini

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-09-25 16:02:39

RT @RauandIsmail: Dette folkehavet. ✊\n\n #Jinaamini #MahsaAmini
