Søket ga 5 treff.
Siv Mossleth - Senterpartiet
2022-05-25 20:05:18

I dag møtte jeg journalister og menneskerettighetsforkjempere fra Kasakhstan og Kirgisistan, som leder av den norske OSSE PA-delegasjonen. Norge må fortsette å følge med på hva som skjer i Sentral-Asia. Vi må støtte sivilsamfunnets kamp for demokrati og ytringsfrihet. Takk til Den norske Helsingforskomiteen for å ha ordnet møtet! \n#oscepa #norwegianhelsinkicommittee #dennorskehelsingforskomiteen #helsingforskomiteen #humanrights #humanright #freemedia #mediafreedom

Norway MFA
2020-09-28 14:19:08

The #RightToKnow is an important #HumanRight. Norway supports i.a. @UNESCO, @OsloMet @Forfreemedia to fight #Disinformation and help ensure that everyone has #AccessToInfo.  #AccesToInfoDay #SDG16 - FM #EriksenSoreide

Trine Skei Grande
2019-03-13 22:12:48

RT @NorwayUN: #GenderEquality is not a policy option. It is a #HumanRight. #StandUp4HumanRights This is about the future of democracy.…

Norway MFA
2018-12-09 15:27:12

RT @UNFPA_Nordic: Access to #familyplanning is a #humanright. Yet, 214M women have an unmet need for contraception. With the additional $2M from Norway🇳🇴, @UNFPA will be able to reach even more women. Thank you @NorwayMFA for your extremely valuable support! @erna_solberg

Norway MFA
2018-11-26 17:25:33

Important @EUCouncil Conclusions on #education in emergencies and crises. Education and #SafeSchools in crises and conflict is a #HumanRight and highlighted in the new #NorwayHumStrategy
