Søket ga 34 treff.
Norway MFA
2021-05-11 16:00:48

I condemn the launching of hundreds of rockets from #Gaza against civilians in Israel. This must stop immediately. The death of civilians, including children in Gaza, is unacceptable. Civilians must be protected - FM #EriksenSoreide

Norway MFA
2021-04-25 11:03:06

Norway is deeply concerned by the situation in #Jerusalem and around #Gaza.  Violence, rockets and hatefull incitement must stop. We urge for calm, and call on authorities to ensure safety for all.

Karin Andersen
2019-09-07 07:52:50

RT @ReddBarna: To barn er drept i de dødeligste sammenstøtene på lenge ved grensegjerdet til #Gaza. Mer enn 1000 barn har blitt truffet med ammunisjon siden sammenstøtene begynte i mars i fjor. Volden må ta slutt! #stoppkrigmotbarn

Norway MFA
2019-06-25 23:25:37

.@UNRWA has a key role as a service provider, as an employer & as a regional stabilizer. #Norway is a #ConsistentPartner, allocates USD 2 million to the emergency appeal for #Gaza #Palestine. @NorwayUN

Norway MFA
2019-06-25 22:25:22

@UNRWA has a key role as a service provider, as an employer & as a regional stabilizer. #Norway is a #ConsistentPartner, allocates USD 2 million to the emergency appeal for #Gaza #Palestine. @NorwayUN @NorwayUN

Norway MFA
2019-06-25 21:40:18

@UNRWA has a key role as a service provider, as an employer & as a regional stabilizer. #Norway is a #ConsistentPartner, allocates USD 2 million to the emergency appeal for #Gaza #Palestine. @NorwayUN @NorwayUN

Svein Roald Hansen
2019-05-05 22:21:56

RT @lizzyratner: I grew up on stories of Jewish ghettos and ghetto uprisings. Now Israel has created a ghetto in #Gaza (and many other places) and the failure to acknowledge this represents an unforgivable moral failing. It’s long past time to call it what it is.

Norway MFA
2019-04-30 14:22:22

Happening now: Donors, #Palestine and #Israel in #AHLC meeting at @eu_eeas @FedericaMog , chaired by #Norway FM #EriksenSoreide . PA’s fiscal crisis, need for economic growth and the humanitarian situation in #Gaza on the agenda. Donors remain committed to the two-state solution.

Norway MFA
2019-03-10 16:39:11

FM #EriksenSoreide: Interesting meeting with @IsraeliPM Netanyahu discussing bilateral relations btw. Norway & Israel, regional issues, #AHLC & the need to improve & stabilize situation in #WestBank & #Gaza

Audun Lysbakken
2018-11-13 14:01:51

RT @msfnorge: Våre folk i #Gaza har vært våkne i natt på grunn av kraftig bombing, men klinikken vår er åpen. Her vil vi behandle krigsskader som vanlig. En eskalering av konflikten vil være en katastrofe for innbyggerne på Gaza ettersom helsesystemet er helt overveldet.

Norway MFA
2018-11-13 10:30:34

Norway concerned by escalation of violence in & around #Gaza. #Norway works with the @UN and #Egypt to restore calm. The massive rocket fire from Gaza is unacceptable & must stop. Restraint must be shown by all & civilians protected.

Norway MFA
2018-11-13 10:03:25

Deeply concerned by escalation of violence in & around #Gaza. #Norway works with the @UN and #Egypt to restore calm. The massive rocket fire from Gaza is unacceptable & must stop. Restraint must be shown by all & civilians protected - FM #EriksenSoreide

Audun Lysbakken
2018-05-14 15:39:13

For en skam. Den israelske regjeringen opprettholder sin okkupasjon med brutal vold og undertrykking. USA belønner dem med ambassade i Jerusalem. Har @Utenriksdept noe som helst å melde i dag?

Svein Roald Hansen
2018-05-11 17:40:15

RT @TheElders: “Under international law #Gaza remains occupied territory and #Israel -the occupying power, has a legal duty to pro…
