Søket ga 513 treff.
2020-05-07 18:14:35

Regjeringen la i dag fram planen for videre håndtering av #covid19 og en tidsplan for nedbygging av de mest inngripende tiltakene. I løpet av neste uke skal alle grunnskoler og videregående skoler åpne for alle trinn. #koronaNorge

Norway MFA
2020-05-06 15:16:46

Live now: A crisis like #Covid19 does not reduce the need to focus on women’s participation & rights in #peace processes. We must take this opportunity to be more innovative about inclusive processes & platforms for interaction - FM #eriksensoreide

Norway MFA
2020-05-06 14:35:27

Good discussion with #SriLanka @DCRGGunawardena on strong partnership, private sector coop, #SustainableDevelopment and #COVID19. International coop and social inclusion vital for long-term recovery from COVID19, as is respect for fundamental human rights. FM #EriksenSoreide

Norway MFA
2020-05-05 20:16:06

International #trade is key for access to goods and services and for economic recovery after the pandemic. Therefore #Norway endorses the Ministerial declaration on #Covid19 and the multilateral trading system @wto - FM #EriksenSoreide

2020-05-05 16:25:40

Veilederen for smittevern mot #Covid19 på buss, tog, trikk, passasjerbåt, ferjer og andre offentlige transportmidler er nå klar. - Vi trenger gode og praktiske løsninger for smittevern i offentlig transport, sier @KAHareide #koronanorge

Norway MFA
2020-05-05 15:56:00

Important talk with #HumanRights & #CivilSociety organisations today. Concerned by reports of increased attacks against #HumanRightsDefenders linked to #COVID19. HRDs need our support to continue working in this unprecedented time. FM #EriksenSoreide #standup4humanrights

Norway MFA
2020-05-05 11:33:08

🔊 Connected or muted? 🔇 Stay tuned for live webinar on ♀️ women's participation in #peace processes during #COVID19. #UNSC1325 🗓️ 6 May 2020 ⏲️ 15:00 CET / 13:00 UTC / 09:00 EST 🌐

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-05-04 20:48:43

RT @NorwayMFA: We need a vaccine to stop #COVID19. Norway strong supporter of @CEPIvaccines and @Gavi in efforts to develop, produce and make vaccine available to all. Today, world leaders gather to secure necessary funding #CommonFuture #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus @dagiulstein @noradno

Trine Skei Grande
2020-05-04 16:37:46

RT @NorwayMFA: We need a vaccine to stop #COVID19. Norway strong supporter of @CEPIvaccines and @Gavi in efforts to develop, produce and make vaccine available to all. Today, world leaders gather to secure necessary funding #CommonFuture #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus @dagiulstein @noradno

Norway MFA
2020-05-04 15:40:04

RT @erna_solberg: In the fight against #covid19, we protect ourselves by protecting each other. As co-leader of #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus, we support research, development, distribution of vaccines. We support @CEPIvaccines with USD 220 mill, and @gavi with USD 1 billion.

2020-05-04 15:37:36

RT @erna_solberg: In the fight against #covid19, we protect ourselves by protecting each other. As co-leader of #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus, we support research, development, distribution of vaccines. We support @CEPIvaccines with USD 220 mill, and @gavi with USD 1 billion.

Erna Solberg
2020-05-04 15:34:21

In the fight against #covid19, we protect ourselves by protecting each other. As co-leader of #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus, we support research, development, distribution of vaccines. We support @CEPIvaccines with USD 220 mill, and @gavi with USD 1 billion.

Norway MFA
2020-05-04 15:20:35

We need a vaccine to stop #COVID19. Norway strong supporter of @CEPIvaccines and @Gavi in efforts to develop, produce and make vaccine available to all. Today, world leaders gather to secure necessary funding #CommonFuture #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus @dagiulstein @noradno

Norway MFA
2020-05-03 17:36:17

This is the world against #COVID19. And together we will win. On May 4th, global leaders will join forces to secure funding for diagnostics, treatments and vaccines to overcome this pandemic. #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus

Erna Solberg
2020-05-02 14:50:02

Thank you @Rotary for continuing connecting the world. By using your ingenuity and flexibility you are proving yourself to be #PeopleOfAction, helping to save lives and stop #covid19. Norway supports your work and will do its part.

Svein Roald Hansen
2020-05-01 16:51:23

RT @etuc_ces: Workers are the heroes & victims of #Covid19. No back to business-as-usual! No austerity! We need a massive ambitious Europe…

2020-04-30 21:34:53

Som følge av #Covid19-utbruddet har det vært en nedgang i etterspørselen etter drosjetjenester på opp mot 90 prosent. Dette er blant årsakene til at regjeringen foreslår å utsette endringene i drosjereguleringen til 1. november 2020, se: @KAHareide

Norway MFA
2020-04-30 21:24:29

RT @StatssekHagen: Norway supports the #CalltoActionGBV statement on impacts of #COVID19 on gender-based violence and relevant considerations in its #humanitarian response. Protection against sexual and gender-based violence is a main priority for Norway.

Norway MFA
2020-04-30 19:18:42

Thank you @SecPompeo for substantial discussions in today’s virtual meeting. Our joint fight against #Covid19, our coop. in the Arctic, the ME and Afghanistan among main topics. Our deepest condolences to the U.S. for the tragic loss of lives to the pandemic – FM #EriksenSoreide

Norway MFA
2020-04-30 18:36:14

Appreciate substantial discussion today with #SolomonIslands 🇸🇧 FM Manele. Strong partnership & common interests between Norway and Pacific Island States on global issues #ocean #climate #covid19 and the need for multilateral cooperation - FM #EriksenSoreide #ConsistentPartner
