Søket ga 519 treff.
Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-16 14:20:21

RT @Utenriksdept: Småbønder i utviklingsland er svært utsatt for klimaendringer & trenger tilpasset såfrø for å få robuste og ernæringsrike avlinger. \nNorge bevilger nå 40 millioner kroner til FNs organisasjon for landbruk og ernæring (@FAO ) sitt fond for såfrømangfold🌱\n\n

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-15 16:50:30

RT @NorwayMFA: The @TransformingEdu Summit is a key moment to highlight the urgency of the global education crisis.\n \nAhead of the summit @…

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-15 13:46:03

Her er et fint eksempel på hvorfor det er viktig å satse på matsikkerhet i utviklingspolitikken. Det hjelper kvinner og sikrer folk mat.\n@parta \n\n

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-15 13:01:52

RT @noradno: Demokratiet er under press, økende polarisering hindrer felles handling, viser ny UNDP-rapport som lanseres hos Norad i dag. \n«Det bekymrer meg at den globale tilliten er satt så sterkt under press», sier utviklingsminister @AnneBeathe_ #HumanDevelopmentReport #WorldDemocracyDay

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-14 17:12:38

Til lykke med ti-årsjubileumet for @GranstjanstNord \n\nJubileet er en utmerket anledning til å markere nordisk samarbeid, det grenseregionale samarbeidet og Nordkalottens muligheter og utfordringer nå og framover.\n\n@NorwayAmbFI \n\n

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-13 17:22:50

RT @reinpaulsen: People facing famine and extreme hunger in Somalia are mainly livestock owners and rural. Children's nutrition is inextricablely linked to health of their animals. 9m dead livestock across Horn since 2021. 120m liters milk lost. So 1.6m kids under 5 without daily glass of milk.

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-09 17:18:07

@NcaTanzania @Sarah_Gigwa Great to meet you, Sarah! Good luck in your important work !

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-08 13:47:50

An honour to meet HE President @SuluhuSamia. Tanzania is an important partner in addressing global challenges such as #climate, peace & security, #humanrights. Norway supports the President’s agenda in agriculture, #genderequality and energy 🇳🇴🇹🇿

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-08 07:33:25

RT @mfa_tanzania: Norwegian Minister for International Development @AnneBeathe_ held working visit in Dodoma. In line of her activities she held conversation with various government dignitaries and Chihembe villagers. She underscored Norway's commitment to support socio-economic activities in Tz

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-07 14:53:14

RT @NorwayMFA: Tanzania inspires by taking #ClimateAction and implementing key national climate policies under the leadership of Hon. Minister Jafo. We are ready to support your efforts to attain the targets and build climate resilient communities 🇳🇴🤝🇹🇿\nMinister @AnneBeathe_ at @vpo_tanzania

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-07 14:53:10

RT @NorwayMFA: Our ambition is that Norway will be an even more impactful partner for Tanzania’s sustainable development agenda with emphasis on #foodsecurity and climate. Thank you Hon. Liberata Mulamula @mfa_tanzania for the warm reception and inspiring talk!\n- @AnneBeathe_

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-06 11:16:43

Happy to be in Dar-es-Salaam 🇹🇿! Tanzania is an important partner for Norway. Looking forward to meeting key government officials and partners over the next days to further enhance our cooperation on #climateadaptation, #foodsecurity, agriculture, energy and economic development

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-05 16:39:26

A well-functioning trading system is essential for #FoodSecurity and #ClimateAdaptation. We look forward to continued discussions on these issues in the @wto. Thank you @NOIweala for our discussions at #GCA2022

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-05 12:34:31

Norway has committed to double our climate financing and at least triple our support to #ClimateAdaptation by 2026. @GCAdaptation is a valued and important partner for our efforts. \n#GCA2022

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-05 12:02:33

RT @KGeorgieva: Wonderful to meet @NorwayMFA Minister @AnneBeathe_ Tvinnereim @gcadaptation Africa Adaptation Summit #GCA2022. \n\n#Norway is…

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-05 12:01:03

RT @NorwayMFA: We need to raise ambitions! \nNorway will deliver on the call to increase action on #ClimateAdaptation in Africa with @GCAdap…

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-09-01 15:10:37

RT @JanezLenarcic: Just landed in Rzeszow🇵🇱 from where we are operating our medevac operation under the 🇪🇺 Civil Protection Mechanism. We are bringing patients in need from 🇺🇦 to hospitals in Europe, offering onward trestment. \n\nThis would not be possible without specialised flights, offered by 🇸🇯.

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-08-30 16:09:21

RT @Utenriksdept: - Investeringer i verdikjedene i landbruket er en nøkkel til å forbedre matsikkerhet og utløse det enorme potensialet i denne sektoren, sa utviklingsminister @AnneBeathe_ da hun åpnet @norfundkonferansen i dag. \n\nGratulerer @Norfund med 25-årsjubileum🎈

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-08-30 12:30:09

RT @ForumNorway: Norfund-konferansen er i gang! @AnneBeathe_ trekker frem investeringer i landbruk og i ren energi som viktige bidrag i arbeidet med #bærekraftsmålene i sin åpningstale #norfundconference

Anne Beathe K Tvinnereim
2022-08-29 12:45:14

828 millioner mennesker får for lite mat på daglig basis. Vi må ta grep og Norge skal bidra. Dialog med frivillige organisasjoner, akademia og næringsliv viktig del av arbeidet med regjeringens nye matstrategi. Takk for gode innspill!
