Det er verdens havdag 🌊🌊🌊 \nFiskeri- og havministeren har to oppfordringer til deg:\n1️⃣ Ta i bruk havet\n2️⃣ Ta vare på havet\n\nRegjeringen har satt seg et mål om å øke norsk eksport utenom olje og gass med minst 50 prosent innen 2030, da er vi avhengig av å lykkes med å utvikle eksisterende og nye næringer i havet. \n\nRegjeringen vil blant annet styrke havbruksutdanningene i tråd med næringens behov. Og gjennom ungdomsfiske, lærlingkvoter og andre ordninger oppmuntrer regjeringen til rekruttering i norske fiskerier. \n\n#havdagen #verdenshavdag #havdagen2022 #worldoceansday #worldoceansday2022 #sustainableocean @bjornarskjaeran \n\nMusikk: Bluebird/Elad Marish\nProdusert av: Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet
RT @UNDPNorway: 🌊The @UNDP #WorldOceansDay celebration called for innovation in achieving a sustainable ocean economy. Check out the recap…
With food insecurity on the rise #bluefood can be a game changer - if we manage our #ocean sustainably. On #WorldOceansDay we congratulate #EAFNansen for contributing to improved fisheries management across the 🌏& now for being a @UNOceanDecade flagship.
With food security on the rise #bluefood can be a game changer - if we manage our #ocean sustainably. On #WorldOceansDay we congratulate #EAFNansen for contributions to improved fisheries management across the 🌏& now for being a @UNOceanDecade flagship.
RT @UNDPOceanInnov: WE ARE LIVE 🌊: @UNDP #WorldOceansDay celebration: A Conversation with the 2020 #UNDPOceanInnovators…
RT @NorwayEU: A sustainable #BlueEconomy is fundamental to the #EuropeanGreenDeal. #WorldOceansDay 🌊💙 Join us on 25 June for a discussion…
RT @OceansNTNU: Happy #WorldOceansDay 🌊🤩 Read about the new national committee to implement the @UNOceanDecade in Norway, led by @OceansNTNU director @siri_carson @forskningsradet @mettemila
RT @NorwayCGMumbai: Removing plastic from beaches and river beds is a very important activity for our environment. Happy to mark #WorldOceansDay with @AfrozShah1 at Versova beach this morning. He + volunteers have done more than most, but everybody can do something! @norwayinindia @NorwayMFA
The ocean is a life source. It sustains us with oxygen, food, medicine, and livelihoods. On #WorldOceansDay, we the members of the @OceanPanel, restate our commitment to a #SustainableOceanEconomy to secure #oceanhealth and wealth for generations to come. #SaveOurOcean
In the wake of #Covid19, we need a healthy #ocean to reach #zerohunger and create jobs. Through Oceans for Development, #Norway will share experiences in #sustainable ocean management with partners in developing countries, says Minister of Int'l Dev @dagiulstein #WorldOceansDay
RT @NorwayUN: Welcome to all founding members of the 🆕Group of Friends to #CombatMarinePlastic Launched on #WorldOceansDay, these 45 count…
RT @Wegger_Strommen: There’s nothing quite as calming as looking at the ocean. Norway has a long coastal line which has both provided food & source of income. Billions of people across the world are still dependent on marine & coastal biodiversity for their livelihood #WorldOceansDay📷Kristin F.Olsen
RT @WorldBank: Happy #WorldOceansDay! #PROBLUE_Oceans and the @WorldBank are working with governments to protect our oceans, grow economies sustainably, and support those most vulnerable. WATCH:. #WorldOceansDay #PROBLUE_Oceans
On #WorldOceansDay Day, 14 world leaders urge you to look to the #ocean to realise a more resilient world. We need a healthy ocean AND a strong #BlueEconomy. Read how a #SustainableOceanEconomy is the answer👉 #Norway4Oceans #BlueNature #BlueRecovery
RT @erna_solberg: We live in uncertain times, and we are facing multiple challenges – from hunger and poverty to climate change. I believe that many of the solutions to these challenges can be found in the ocean. 🌊 #WorldOceansDay #Norway4Oceans
RT @erna_solberg: We live in uncertain times, and we are facing multiple challenges – from hunger and poverty to climate change. I believe that many of the solutions to these challenges can be found in the ocean. 🌊 #WorldOceansDay #Norway4Oceans
RT @erna_solberg: We live in uncertain times, and we are facing multiple challenges – from hunger and poverty to climate change. I believe that many of the solutions to these challenges can be found in the ocean. 🌊 #WorldOceansDay #Norway4Oceans
RT @Utenriksdept: I dag markeres verdens havdag over hele verden 🐠 #WorldOceansDay Tidligere denne uken lanserte regjeringen sin oppdater…
We live in uncertain times, and we are facing multiple challenges – from hunger and poverty to climate change. I believe that many of the solutions to these challenges can be found in the ocean. 🌊 #WorldOceansDay #Norway4Oceans
I generasjoner har vi levd av havet, og det skal vi gjøre i mange år til. Derfor må vi ta vare på havet, og sikre en bærekraftig bruk. Denne uken lanserte regjeringen sin oppdaterte havstrategi. Den har som mål at Norge fortsatt skal være #bestpåhav #worldoceansday #norway4oceans