RT @FNsambandet: Budsjettlekkasje på ILO konferansen #ILO100 på @NobelPeaceOslo nå: 150 millioner kroner til et eget bistandsprogram til kamp mot menneskehandel og moderne slaveri, lovte utviklingsminister @dagiulstein https://t.co/g6J337k5iY
#ILO plays an important role in the multilateral system, in the realization of #SDG8 and a human-centered #futureofwork through the promotion of worker’s rights, social dialogue and tripartism. Pleased to welcome @GuyRyder to #ILO100 in Norway -FM #EriksenSoreide https://t.co/g69s7NiIin
RT @NorwayInGeneva: Congratulations on the Centenary! #ilo100 PM @erna_solberg meets @ilo Chief @GuyRyder who defines the #Nordic #labourm…
#ILO100 must continue to play an active role in the #multilateral system. To solve our greatest challenges, we need more, not less #international #cooperation Norway intensifies efforts to end #modernslavery & will join Alliance 8.7 - the global partnership to end #forcedlabour https://t.co/dlgYgCQBgH
This is the time to come together to defend all that we have built up over the past 100 years. The ILO has a long and proud history of standing up for social justice and advancing the welfare of workers worldwide, says @erna_solberg at #ILO100 https://t.co/wJ6wrK7lsQ Photo: @ilo https://t.co/1ZTDC34YwM
RT @ilo: Norway Prime Minister @erna_solberg recalled the @ILO's legacy and founding principles during her address at the #ilo100 Intl Labour Conference. https://t.co/pDr7Z7kTfW
Arbeids- og sosialminister Anniken Hauglie er i New York: I dag er hun med og markerer at ILO er 100 år på et frokostmøte med ungdomsdelegater og generalsekretæren i ILO, Guy Rider. – Vi må sørge for at færre unge faller utenfor arbeidslivet. Utdanning og utvikling av ferdigheter er viktige verktøy for å få unge folk i jobb, sier statsråden. Happy Birthday! #ILO100