Søket ga 1247 treff.
Espen Barth Eide
2018-08-07 19:55:22

RT @wef: From shrinking mountains to re-discovered buildings. Read more: #environment

Espen Barth Eide
2018-08-07 19:54:23

RT @Davos: From shrinking mountains to re-discovered buildings. Read more: #environment

Espen Barth Eide
2018-07-25 18:12:29

RT @linetrezz: Solid og betimelig støtte til @EspenBarthEide på lederplass i @dn_no: vi er i en krevende sikkerhetspolitisk situas…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-07-18 09:56:09

RT @KimGabrielli: Presist av @EspenBarthEide i dagens @DN_no : - Dette er ikke normale tider. Det hele er ikke så uforutsigbart som d…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-07-14 07:24:57

Thorvald Stoltenberg vil bli dypt savnet, men også husket med varme og glede. Et helstøpt menneske som gjorde en forskjell, hjemme og ute. Hvil i fred, Thorvald.

Espen Barth Eide
2018-07-12 20:52:48

RT @JohnKerry: My thoughts on President Trump's remarks in Brussels this morning:

Espen Barth Eide
2018-07-12 17:49:25

RT @SenJohnMcCain: .@POTUS's performance at #NATOSummit was disappointing, yet unsurprising. There's little use in parsing his misstat…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-30 20:18:33

In Lisbon, for a @policynetwork progressive governance seminar on the way ahead for the European left. Much to learn from Portugal’s excellent PM @antoniocostapm, here at @psocialista’s headquarters.

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-19 10:26:21

RT @hdcentre: This year, #OsloForum participants will discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by the increasingly atomised and inter…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-19 10:11:23

The 16th #OsloForum opens with the key question: The end of big peace? @UN SG @antonioguterres, @NorwayMFA Ine Eriksen Søreide & @SomaliPM Hassan Ali Khaire w/ @bbclysedoucet. Peace mediation more challenging in today’s conflictive world. Local trust-building essential. @hdcentre

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-17 15:52:03

A major achievement for Europe & the Balkans - congratulations to all!

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-16 10:15:20

RT @ischinger: Right: And Iran also hasn‘t. I wonder what lesson they think they are learning? @MunSecConf

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-16 10:14:00

RT @antonioguterres: Troubled by reports that rate of Antarctic ice loss has tripled in the last decade. We need climate action now. Tom…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-15 14:20:21

Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating #EidAlFitr.

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-15 08:25:36

@estoknes @elsemay Takk for utmerket samarbeid så langt, @estoknes! Vi i @Arbeiderpartiet har satt stor pris på dine kunnskaper, ditt gode humør og dine bidrag til å finne gode løsninger i fellesskap!

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-12 22:47:08

Warm congratulations to @tsipras_eu, @Zoran_Zaev, @NikosKotzias & @Dimitrov_Nikola on the seminal breakthrough in the decades-old “name” issue between Skopje and Athens. Tribute to @UN mediator Matthew Nimetz. Another proof that seemingly irreconcilable disputes can be overcome.

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-10 08:25:44

RT @FredKempe: World order is difficult to achieve and even harder to restore once lost. Get my take on Trump’s long term effect o…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-10 08:20:43

RT @antonioguterres: We are in a battle for the health of our oceans – and losing on every front. Today at the #G7 Summit, I appealed fo…

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-07 15:10:16

Participated in today’s presentation of @Equinor_’s 2018 Energy Perspectives report. Good discussion on how we are able to achieve the Paris Climate Goals under three alternative scenarios: #energyperspectives

Espen Barth Eide
2018-06-03 16:35:00

RT @ICDS_Tallinn: For the last panel at #LMC2018, we are joined by #Estonia President @KerstiKaljulaid, @svenmikser, @EspenBarthEide,…
