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Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-15 15:30:52

Norge ettergir statsgjeld til Somalia! Jeg er stolt av at Norge har vært en pådriver i denne prosessen, som viser hva vi kan få til når partnerland, givere og det multilaterale systemer samarbeider! @Utenriksdept

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-15 11:24:34

Gleder meg til å delta på romjulsløpet til @oslomaraton! Hver påmeldte deltager genererer et varmt måltid til ⁦@KirkensBymisjon⁩ sin juleaksjon. Nå utfordrer jeg @kwarholm, @OlavTveit, @abidraja og @OBollestad til å delta!

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-15 10:15:47

Great to see the news from Canada as they announces additional support for equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines. This is exactly the kind of leadership that we need @JustinTrudeau @ACTaccelerator @WHO

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-14 13:56:59

Today’s meeting in #ACTA take stock of the status of the global work to ensure equitable access to vaccines, tests, medicines and health services.

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-14 13:56:59

There is hope. But additional money and bold leadership is needed. @who @DeTedros @gavi @cepi

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-14 13:56:08

The cost of inaction far outweights the cost of action. We need to close the @ACTAccelerator funding gap to ensure vaccines to all!

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-14 12:57:23

RT @fifarahman: @ACTAccelerator Facilitation Council meeting has begun - @DrTedros, @DrZweliMkhize, and @dagiulstein making opening statements - emphasising, inter alia, that many LMICs will get vaccines later than wealthy nations. #COVID19

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-12 12:34:57

RT @DrTedros: Happy Universal Health Coverage Day! 2020 has reminded us that health is the most precious commodity on 🌍 & the foundation of…

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 22:28:40

God nyhet i kveld:Covax har nå sikret 1 milliard vaksinedoser. Samarbeidet dekker 92 av de fattigste landene i verden. Arbeidet går fremover! Men: Fortsatt gjenstår det mye arbeid både med tanke på finansiering, infrastruktur og kapasitet i mottakerlandene

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 15:17:15

RT @GPforEducation: “Inclusive education systems are essential to eradicating extreme poverty and reaching all the SDGs by 2030,” says @dagiulstein @NorwayMFA [LIVE] Watch our discussion on how to invest in resilient and inclusive global education. 🠮

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 14:42:27

«We have a vaccine against hunger: Food!» I echo your message @WFPChief! Lets avert a hunger pandemic. Thank you for today’s meeting.

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 11:17:04

RT @DrTedros: No vaccines in history has been developed as rapidly as for #COVID19 vaccines. The scientific community has set a new standard for vaccine development. Now the international community must set a new standard for access and fair distribution #ACTogether

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 11:11:40


Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 09:32:16

Er gjest i podcasten Fremtidens Næringsliv denne uken! Hør episoden her: @GlobalCompactNO @Abelia_NHO @KimGabrielli @Oystein09

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-11 08:56:46

Nå gir vi 150 millioner kroner i ny støtte til Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA)! Med det når vi over 600.000 bønder i Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania og Zambia! @Utenriksdept

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-10 22:11:32
Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-10 18:56:00

RT @WFPChief: We are so honored to accept the #NobelPeacePrize today. At the same time, it is my tragic duty to tell you that famine is at humanity’s doorstep. The silver lining is that we can stop this together. Join us as we call for urgent action.

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-10 13:16:53

Thank you @VilleSkinnari for the challenge! All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. #HumanRights must be at the core of all our efforts against #Covid-19. I call on @DrTedros @unicefchief and @WFPChief to join the challenge. #RecoverBetter #HumanRightsDay

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-10 13:15:26

@VilleSkinnari @mbachelet @MinisterPeterE @GudlaugurThor Thank you @VilleSkinnari for the challenge! All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. #HumanRights must be at the core of all our efforts against #Covid-19. I call on @DrTedros @unicefchief and @WFPChief to join the challenge. #RecoverBetter #HumanRightsDay

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-12-10 09:28:43

@ragnhildDybdah1 @ChangemakerNor @ingebarn @noraingdal @mslettholm 😅I will not turn around again before mental health is a natural part of Universal Health Coverage🙃
