Søket ga 52 treff.
Norway MFA
2019-02-15 12:08:26

Children in conflicts and hum crises do not have time to wait. They need #educationnow to be able to move on. Norway take a leading role in important work by @EducationCannotWait Inspiring meeting w/ @YasmineSherif1 #globalgoals #SDG4

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-02-08 17:33:59

RT @NorwayMFA: Min of Dev @dagiulstein: Honoured to attend #SDGbergen19. More than 800 millions still live in extreme poverty. Committed participation of the academic community & more knowledge keys for reaching the #GlobalGoals by 2030. #SDG1 #SDG4 @UiBrector_Olsen @UiB

Norway MFA
2019-02-08 16:31:30

Min of Dev @dagiulstein: Honoured to attend #SDGbergen19. More than 800 millions still live in extreme poverty. Committed participation of the academic community & more knowledge keys for reaching the #GlobalGoals by 2030. #SDG1 #SDG4 @UiBrector_Olsen @UiB

2019-02-08 15:51:09

Vår nye utviklingsminister Dag-Inge Ulsteins første reise gikk til Etiopia. Utdanning & klima sto på agendaen. Se foto fra turen⬆️ & følg➡️ @daginge på Instagram👍🏼#SDG4📚#SDG13🌱

Hvor er bærekraftsballen på tur?🌍 Fullt fokus på utdanning & klima på utviklingsministerens første jobbreise⤵️ #SDG4📚#SDG13🌱

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-02-07 07:20:18

RT @Utenriksdept: Utviklingsminister @dagiulstein er på skolebesøk i #Etiopia og spiller #bærekraft fotball ⚽️ med elevene. #Utdanning for #jenter og #inkludering av #sårbare grupper skaper bærekraftig økonomisk vekst. #SDG4

Norway MFA
2019-01-25 16:25:12

FM #EriksenSoreide Pleased that 145,000 Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh attend Unicef-supported learning centres. Norway supports their access to education through #EducationCannotWait and @GPforEducation @UNICEFEducation @EduCannotWait #SDG4

Norway MFA
2018-09-15 15:44:19

RT @nikolaiastrup: Celebrating the International #DemocracyDay today! Knowledge enables people to participate, to make informed choices, and to claim their rights. When we promote global #education, we are also promoting #democracy and democratic citizenship. #SDG4 @erna_solberg

Gratulerer med kvinnedagen! 👧🏻👩🏽🙋‍♀️👧🏿Utviklingsminister Nikolai Astrup var i Nepal🇳🇵i går. Der møtte han noen tøffe jenter som fortalte han i klartekst hvilke utfordringer de har i sin skolehverdag #SDG4 #SDG5 #SDG6 #IWD2018

2018-02-03 01:37:13

RT @erna_solberg: Hey, @rihanna! As promised, here’s Norways pledge to @GPforEducation»

2018-02-02 19:48:38

RT @erna_solberg: Hey, @rihanna! As promised, here’s Norways pledge to @GPforEducation»

Erna Solberg
2018-02-02 17:02:01

Hey, @rihanna! As promised, here’s Norways pledge to @GPforEducation»
