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Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-27 08:04:16

RT @carlbildt: It’s moving fast towards taking 🇷🇺 out the SWIFT system. With the 🇺🇸having sanctioned all the biggest banks serious problems lie ahead for the 🇷🇺 financial system. Support for Putin in the 🇷🇺 business community likely to be rock bottom by now.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-27 08:03:38

RT @ZelenskyyUa: Had a phone conversation with @BorisJohnson. Grateful to the British Prime Minister for his position, new decisions to enhance the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian army. Agreed on further joint steps to counter the aggressor.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-27 07:59:16

RT @abjartnes: Godt om olje-oligarkene på norsk sokkel fra @hildeo . Vi betaler ut «kontantstøtte» til Lukoil, Rosneft og (oligarkeide) Winntershall DEA.\n\n

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-27 07:51:25

RT @TrygveKalland: Til dere som er i mot å støtte Ukraina med våpen: jo lenger Ukraina kan holde ut mot Putin, jo høyere kostnaden er, desto mindre appetitt vil han ha for å gå på andre av sine naboer. De har kanskje ikke valgt det, men i dag slåss Ukraina også for Norges sikkerhet.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 23:52:21

RT @mbk_center: Insanely brave Russian people standing up against the war last night! \nBreathtaking courage and defiance.…

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 19:25:05

Bra! Norge bør slutte seg til de 27 landene i Anti-krigskoalisjonen som samarbeider om forsyninger av materiell og våpen til 🇺🇦. Må det endres på vedtak i Stortinget - så gjør vi det

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 19:09:09

RT @TheEconomist: Alexei Navalny displays the extraordinary bravery of an ordinary man. Read about the making of Russia’s political prisoner number one, from @1843mag

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 18:35:55

«Dagens kalde styring av oljefondet virker helt frakoblet virkeligheten.» @Regjeringen må sørge for at Oljefondet er ute av alle selskap i 🇷🇺 før 3. mars - da blir fondets investeringer på nytt offentliggjort. Denne totale mangelen på handling går ikke

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 17:09:51

RT @ZelenskyyUa: Talked to Prime Minister of 🇳🇱. Thanked @MinPres for the decisions made in support of Ukraine in the defense and security sphere. The anti-war coalition is working!

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 17:05:02

RT @OAlexanderDK: Brave Ukrainian civilians in Chernihiv, northern Ukraine attempting to stop Russian tanks advancing by standing in front of them and quite literally trying to push them back.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 16:56:29

RT @DrFunkySpoon: Over 650 Russian scientists and science journalists have signed an open letter calling Russia’s war against Ukraine “unfair and senseless” and stating that there is no “rational justification” for the invasion.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 16:47:23

RT @Tsihanouskaya: Lukashenka committed treason – he made our country a participant in the invasion of Ukraine. So I declared myself as the national leader of Belarus to protect the sovereignty & independence of our country, represent it in security negotiations & crisis management in the region.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 15:51:56

RT @HannaLiubakova: What’s happening in #Belarus is another step to occupation by the Kremlin.Belarus is rapidly losing sovereignty by allowing Russian troops to attack Ukraine from our territory.We must stop this.We have the legitimate leader @Tsihanouskaya. The majority is against Lukashenko & war

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 15:48:08

RT @nytimes: Volunteer fighters armed with assault rifles patrolled central Kyiv on Friday, ready to defend their country.\n\nFollow live upd…

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 14:49:30

RT @kjetilba: I Sverige utløser krigen i Ukraina ny Nato-debatt. I Norge bør den være en del av en ny 🇪🇺-debatt. (abo)

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 13:53:35

RT @gurimelby: Jeg håper alle nordke politikere fikk med seg Ukrainas ambassadørs klare budskap i dag: Ukraina trenger mye mer støtte for å kunne beskytte seg mot Putins krigføring, Russland må møte strengere sanksjoner, og norske oljemilliarder må ut av Russland nå!

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 13:53:18

RT @DmytroKuleba: Call with my French counterpart @JY_LeDrian. France supports banning Russia from SWIFT. I urged to immediately introduce the third package of EU sanctions to stop Russian invasion. France is also ready to supply weapons and military equipment to help Ukraine defend itself.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 13:48:55

RT @carlbildt: In the past I was sometimes less impressed with @ZelenskyyUa, but that has certainly changed as he has risen to the defence of 🇺🇦 against the aggression. I bet the Kremlin 🇷🇺 didn’t see that coming. Here he is outside the presidency in the center of Kyiv.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 13:44:41

RT @carlbildt: There are photos that will be with us for a long time.

Ola Elvestuen
2022-02-26 10:37:08

RT @perelling: Jeg er for folk-til-folk-samarbeid og generelt god stemning, men nå må vi faktisk trykke på den store pauseknappen på alt. Steng grensen, utesteng fra all idrett, start arbeidet med å stanse all handel. Full pakke. #StandWithUkriane #FuckPutin
