Søket ga 939 treff.
Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 15:04:03

Great to have the President of the Football Association of Norway, @Lisekla visiting The Council of Europe, @PACE_News and discussing worker’s rights in Qatar @Lisekla #FIFAWorldCup

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 15:03:05

Great to have the President of the Football Association of Norway, Lise Klaveness visiting The Council of Europe, @PACE_News and discussing worker’s rights in Qatar @Lisekla #FIFAWorldCup

Linda H. Helleland
2022-10-14 14:30:30

Linda H. Helleland
2022-08-15 07:09:18

God påminnelse fra Barneombudet!\n

Linda H. Helleland
2022-04-27 19:43:42

📣Female parliamentarians from all political groups in @PACE_News \n\nThis war affects us all. All Europeans. But the effect on Ukrainian women, men and children, especially those who fall victim to sexual violence and rape, is unimaginable.\n\n#UkraineRussiaWar @coe @CoeEpp

Linda H. Helleland
2022-04-27 19:28:09

Linda H. Helleland
2022-04-27 14:38:13

Happy to announce the establishment of EPP/CD’s own womens group in \nThe Parliament Assembly in \nThe Council of Europe!\n\nAn honor to lead this important work in our way forward\n\n@PACE_News @CoeEpp @EPP

Linda H. Helleland
2022-04-26 11:47:55

📣Women@PACE\n\nUsing rape and sexualised violence as a weapon in war and conflict is unacceptable. Women and children in Ukraine are subject to war crimes. \n\n👉\n\n@coe @PACE_News #PACEspring2022

Linda H. Helleland
2022-04-01 12:55:33

Det koster å stå opp for verdier man tror på. Kritikken mot denne talen blir en mild bris sammenlignet med det som vil komme. \n\nVi trenger modige idrettsledere mer enn noen gang. Vi som ønsker endring skal mobilisere alt vi kan for Lise i denne kampen.\n

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-30 22:14:06

RT @mortendalsmo: Viktige refleksjoner fra @Lindacath under åpningen av konferansen Digital Transformasjon. Norge skal gjennom en grønn og #digital omstilling og vi trenger absolutt mer politisk debatt om #digitalisering. @RebekkaBorsch @jcvestre @DigitalNorway @SINTEF\n

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-30 14:02:21

A great honor to welcome Ukrainian President Zelenskyj to the Norwegian Parliament. Norway stands firmly in solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people as they fight tirelessly to defend their country.

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-15 18:31:17

We request Russia to withdraw from Council of Europe.\n\nThese are extraordinary times, for which we need to\ndeliberate extraordinary measures.\n\n\n\n@PACE_News @coe #Ukrain #UkraineRussia

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-14 16:30:19

Prime minister of Ukraine, Denys Sjmyhal ask Europe to stand together and condemn in the strongest terms, the Russians aggression against Ukraine. @PACE_News @coe

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-14 09:30:17

It is more important than ever that the world of sports stand up for human rights\nThe CoE should, in light of the non-existing public authorities’ sanctions means, now consider establishing mechanisms through which governments can act appropriately within the scope of their laws

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-14 09:21:05

As member of the Parliament Assembly in the Council of Europe I am grateful for the support from my colleagues.\n\n«We call upon all International Sport Federations to ban athletes representing Russia or Belarus»\n\n \n\n@PACE_News @coe @iocmedia @FIFAcom

Linda H. Helleland
2022-03-01 09:53:42

My sportclub, Konnerud, and the Norwegian Ski Federation had to instruct FIS, the international Ski Federation to stop the Russian athletes competing in Norway.\nIt’s frightening how bad FIS are “reading the room”. @FIS_news @CoopNorway

Linda H. Helleland
2022-02-27 13:30:02

2/2 International sport failed to take proper actions after the biggest scandal of sport in Sochi. Now it`s time for international sport organizations for once to be on the right side of history \n@edwinmoses @tracey_crouch

Linda H. Helleland
2022-02-27 13:29:24

1/2 Council of Europe (PACE) should urge international sports organizations to exclude Russian athletes from international competitions. I will put forward a motion this week and I hope this proposal will gain support from the member nations. #ioc #pace

Linda H. Helleland
2022-01-19 11:11:37

En av våre mest markante trønderske personligheter er gått bort. \n\nSelv om du hadde internasjonal suksess, var du først og fremst trønder.\nTakk for at du delte din kunnskap på en engasjerende og humørfylt måte. Og for all gleden du har gitt oss. \nHvil i fred. \n\n@RBKfotball #rbk

Linda H. Helleland
2021-12-29 14:26:15

Både helsemyndigheter og regjering bør vurdere om skjenkestoppen kan opphøre permanent - og heller fokusere på meteren, munnbind og hjemmekontor som tiltak. Dersom det viser seg at vaksinen gir effekt mot omikron, vil koronapass være viktig å få på plass.\n
