Søket ga 1611 treff.
Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-02 11:28:20

RT @NorwayUN: Congratulations #Gabon with your successful Security Council Presidency!🙏\n\n#Norway appreciated in particular the\n🔹 Women, Pea…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-02 06:51:18

RT @NorwayUN: Armed conflicts in urban areas put civilians at risk ⚠️\n\nHow can we ensure practical measures & policies, strengthened leader…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-02 06:51:14

RT @SnorWik: Dette går mot en ny periode for Mette Fredriksen og et styrket @Spolitik 🌹🌹

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:52:38

RT @visitnorway: Looks like orange is the colour of this Monday. So, here are our picks to keep up with the orange trend 🎃 \n📷 Tord Baklund/…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:52:20

RT @UNOCHA: Humanitarians have already reached over 13 million people with life-saving assistance in #Ukraine.\n\nThe Ukraine Humanitarian Fu…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:52:16


Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:51:57

RT @UN: Hate speech can take many different forms. \n\nBut no matter what it looks like, hate speech has real consequences. \n\nLearn how you c…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:51:17

RT @BillClinton: Warm congratulations to @LulaOficial for his victory in Brazil's free and fair presidential election. The people of Brazil should be proud of their credible, peaceful election process. 🇧🇷

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:50:50

RT @LulaOficial: Pensavam que tinham acabado com a minha vida política. Que tinham me destruído. Mas estou aqui outra vez. Firme, forte e apaixonado. Não há nada que vá me fazer esmorecer. Bom dia e boa semana para todos.

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:50:13

RT @klimaetaten: Hva er ditt innspill til en mulig nullutslippssone innenfor Ring 2? @Oslokommune og @Bymiljoetaten vil høre fra dere som bor innenfor sonen.\n\nSpill inn dine behov til via denne lenken:\n

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-11-01 07:42:04

Dette minnet dukket opp på Facebook i dag fra en helsekonferanse i Polen som både Per Fugelli og jeg fikk innlede på.🙌🏽\n\nHan sa: "Det er de samme legene som opererer Kongen som operer oss. That’s Velferdsstaten to you. Det må dere ta godt vare på!"✊🏾\n\nFin påminnelse🥰

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 20:29:20

RT @NorwayUN: 🛬The forced landing by #Belarus was a clear sign of its complete disregard for global peace, security & int'l norms.\n\nNorway…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 14:47:44

RT @yashar: Power to the women of Afghanistan as they fight for their right to education!!!!

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 14:47:20

RT @Stortinget: Denne uka er det Nordisk råds 74. sesjon i Helsingfors. Delegasjonsleder Jorodd Asphjell var i går gjest under Ungdommens nordiske råd (UNR). Han fikk utmerkelsen «Venn av Ungdommens nordiske råd», som historiens første fra UNR-president Rasmus Emborg.

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 12:52:33

RT @FranciaMarquezM: El pueblo brasileño le dio, una vez más, su voto de confianza a Luis Inácio #Lula da Silva @LulaOficial a quien envío un abrazo ancestral y extiendo mis felicitaciones.\n\nQue la sabiduría lo acompañe en esta nueva etapa dirigiendo los destinos de esta nación hermana. 🇧🇷🇨🇴.

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 12:51:47

RT @klimaetaten: 📣 Lavere fart gir renere luft! Fra 1. november senkes tillatt hastighet til 60 km/t på utvalgte strekninger i hovedstaden. \n\n- Miljøfartsgrenser er et godt virkemiddel for å bedre luftkvaliteten i Oslo vinterstid, sier @VegvesenOst. \n

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 12:51:21

RT @VisitOSLO: Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🕸️\nHere are a few spooky sculptures to go looking for in Oslo if you are not yet in a Halloween mood #Vis…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 09:14:29

RT @UN_Women: UN Women is proud to partner with France in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment globally. \n\nMany thanks to @Eli…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 09:14:16

RT @NorwayInCroatia: President of the Norwegian Parliament, Mr Masud Gharahkhani to N1: \nMahsa Amini is a symbol of what has been happening…

Kamzy Gunaratnam
2022-10-31 09:14:00

RT @KrisHansen_: Tidlig ute for å fortelle om trygg økonomisk styring, omfordelende grunnrenteskatt og nye innleieregler! 💪🌹 @SunnivaBjerkaas @EllenSReitan
