RT @GretaThunberg: My full speech at the World Economic Forum in print. #wef19 #WhateverItTakes https://t.co/M3tJhHbZs4
RT @GretaThunberg: "I told them that they belong to that group of people who are most responsible and that the future of humankind rests in their hands, and they didn't know how to react." #WEF19 #whateverittakes https://t.co/jZS7EmXsvb
RT @UNFCCC: #ClimateChange impacts top WEF’s 2019 ranking of global risks > https://t.co/JXOOiTo1SZ Extreme weather events, exacerbated by climate change, are listed as the major risk most likely to happen over the next 10 years. #wef19 #ParisAgreement #GlobalGoals https://t.co/HBuuXo7dS1
RT @TheElders: “The level of economic inequality we are witnessing today is nothing short of a calamity” says Gro Harlem Brundtland in her foreword in today’s @Oxfam inequality report: https://t.co/WGoZoACmDl #FightInequality #BeatPoverty #Wef19 https://t.co/66GfW7RIDy
Erna Solberg: Why the ocean holds the key to sustainable development: https://t.co/p09fhSOF1v #wef19
RT @norskfolkehjelp: Verdens ulikhet er ute av kontroll, melder @Oxfam. Ulikhet er et menneskeskapt problem. Derfor er det mulig å gjøre noe med den, men det krever politisk vilje og prioritering. Vil vi nok? @BeateThoresen1 skrev om dette i @bistandsaktuelt før jul. https://t.co/SdbsNV3oGv #wef19