RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 157. #ClimateStrike #fridaysforfuture #Schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency https://t.co/RQ…
RT @CevikusHB: My 124th week on #ClimateStrike at a burnt-out fire site in Bodrum. Seeing it with my own eyes leaves me speechless 😞 #ClimateCrisisIsHere #FaceTheClimateEmergency #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture #ActNow #TurkeyIsBurning #Bodrum https://t.co/GvLy8dM7FW
RT @GretaThunberg: 24y/o Mauritian scientist and activist Shaama Sandooyea joining the global climate strike in the Indian Ocean. Latest numbers say we striked in 1086 places all over the world yesterday! #NoMoreEmptyPromises #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike Picture by Tommy Trenchard Gteenpeace. https://t.co/mObxtomfwL
RT @vansterpartiet: Att lita på marknaden eller att låta alla klara sig bäst de kan löser inte coronakrisen. Och det löser inte klimatkrisen. Vi måste göra det här tillsammans. Delta i #climatestrikeonline idag! 🌱 #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #FightEveryCrisis https://t.co/CwCP1kZfh8
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 83. Please act in full solidarity with those at risk. #climatestrikeonline #covid_19 #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #climatestrike https://t.co/kk0s0756dM
RT @foeeurope: Greta Thunberg leads a HUGE #ClimateStrike through downtown Brussels. Massive turnout of school strikers from across Belgium & Europe telling the EU to quit fossil fuels *now* https://t.co/GtQdhAyLwi
RT @GretaThunberg: Hamburg right now!! The organizers say 60 000! #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate #moin2102 https://…
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 74. Lausanne! #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate https://t.co/SzHap1M1lT
RT @luckytran: WOW. 500,000 people are in the streets of Madrid demanding a livable & just future, as leaders meet at the #COP25 UN climate summit. Young people will not be silent. Change is coming! #UltimatumCOP25 #6DPorElClima #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFurture https://t.co/EflIzg7HGV
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 68. They say more than 500 000 people showed up tonight in Madrid! #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #…
RT @GretaThunberg: 500’000 people marched in Madrid last night. This is the beginning of change! The world is slowly waking up to the climate and environmental crisis. Soon the people in power can no longer get away with ignoring the science. #cop25 #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike https://t.co/9WVhdbuxDL
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 66. 36°54’ N 51°49’W #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate #fridaysforfuture https://t.co/xqbb1m7x3m
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 64. Charlotte, North Carolina. #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate #fridaysforfuture https://t.co/Aw1vwCIXE8
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 61. Edmonton. Organisers say 10 000-12 000 people! #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4cli…
RT @GretaThunberg: Over 7,5 million people in over 180 countries joined the #climatestrike !We told world leaders to unite behind the science and take action now. They didn’t listen. So we go on, every Friday. The next global climate strike is Nov 29, and we need everyone to join! #fridaysforfuture https://t.co/MDF8isDLhi
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 60. Denver, Colorado. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #schoolstrike4climate https://t.co/Hfo0H0PPkN
RT @GretaThunberg: Denver, Colorado! #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture https://t.co/WAw0WsXCHc
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike. Week 59 Iowa City . #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #schoolstrike4climate https://t.co/4J1g8SptfX
RT @GretaThunberg: Iowa City! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike https://t.co/mdSXBjDS38
The earth is rich enough to fill our needs, but not enough to fill our greed. ( fritt etter Gandhi på markeringen av 150 årsdagen fra hans fødsel i FN) . #ClimateActionSummit #ClimateStrike #ClimaSV