RT @GretaThunberg: Right now in Copenhagen. #klimamarch #FolketsKlimamarch #ClimateBreakdown https://t.co/9KmZgu6u7J
RT @GretaThunberg: “MPs have passed a motion making the UK parliament the first in the world to declare an “environment and climate emergency”. Historic and very hopeful news. Now other nations must follow. And words must turn into immediate action. #ClimateBreakdown https://t.co/9CUv7jt0gm
RT @GretaThunberg: Let’s all be on the right side of history! #ExtinctionRebellion #climatebreakdown #jointherebellion https://t.co/mH3suj…
RT @GretaThunberg: Honoured to share the prestigious Fritt Ords Pris 2019 with @NaturogUngdom I will donate all my half of the 500 000 NOK price money to the funding of the ongoing People vs Arctic Oil lawsuit. The fossil fuels must stay in the ground. #climatebreakdown https://t.co/bKzF2Aki5G