RT @ReddBarna: Takk @erna_solberg for så tydelig å trekke sammenhengen mellom helse, ernæring og utdanning. Vi er glade for at Norge har tatt så tydelig lederskap på handlingsplanen for SDG3, fortsett med det! #WHS2018 #UHC https://t.co/NgDsth9yIS
RT @theGFF: „The #GFF invests multi-sectorally to improve outcomes, and sustainably, with countries in the lead. It can mobilize up to $75bn and save 35mn lives“ Prime Minister @erna_solberg invites #WHS2018 / #GrandChallenges to join the Oslo Replenishment. #InvestInHealth #SDG3 https://t.co/vXoY7TT0mB
Speech from Prime Minister @erna_solberg at the #WHS2018 and #GrandChallenges event in Berlin. https://t.co/iPX6kBvr2a