FN og Norge lanserer historiens første håndbok for forebygging og bekjempelse av seksualisert vold i konflikt. Følg lanseringen her i morgen kl 15: https://t.co/A4r3fLM2sw #un #unpeacekeeping #fn #endCRSV https://t.co/hH2KMXBq5y
Online launch, Friday 5 June 2020: Handbook for UN Field Missions on Preventing and Responding to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: https://t.co/CXVKyE7dd2 #UN #UNpeacekeeping
Norway condemns the attacks against @UN_MINUSMA in #Mali. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed and injured in the service of peace. #UNPeacekeeping https://t.co/TNUAN7HF7h