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Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-05-28 10:46:27

Non-communicable diseases is one of the world’s greatest health threats, preventing us to reach #SDG1: No poverty by 2030. Norway would like to be a driving force in keeping #mentalhealth high on the international agenda.

2019-12-01 08:14:09

Utviklingsminister @daginge har et viktig budskap til deg! Selv om andelen som lever i fattigdom er kraftig redusert de siste hundre årene, er det fortsatt 767 millioner mennesker som lever under fattigdomsgrensa. Å utrydde alle former for fattigdom i hele verden er bærekraftsmål nummer 1 og første luke i julekalenderen vår. Bli med når vi slår et slag for FNs bærekraftmål, den globale handlingsplanen for å utrydde fattigdom, bekjempe ulikhet og bremse klimaendringene. Hvis vi skal nå målene innen 2030 må alle inkluderes! #bærekraftsmålene #bærekraftsmål1 #sdg1 #UDsjulekalender #julekalender @noradno

Trine Skei Grande
2019-10-17 13:57:27

RT @dagiulstein: Today it’s the International Day for Eradication of Poverty. In order to #EndPoverty, we must ensure that everybody is included in our efforts - the poorest, vulnerable groups & children #LeaveNoOneBehind #SDG1

Norway MFA
2019-10-17 12:09:05

RT @dagiulstein: Today it’s the International Day for Eradication of Poverty. In order to #EndPoverty, we must ensure that everybody is included in our efforts - the poorest, vulnerable groups & children #LeaveNoOneBehind #SDG1

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-10-17 10:27:19

Today it’s the International Day for Eradication of Poverty. In order to #EndPoverty, we must ensure that everybody is included in our efforts - the poorest, vulnerable groups & children #LeaveNoOneBehind #SDG1

Norway MFA
2019-10-15 22:19:35

RT @dagiulstein: Congratulations👏 to #Nobel Laureates in Economy - #AbhijitBanerjee, #EstherDuflo, and #MichaelKremer! Your research provides valuable insights in the fight against poverty! #SDG1

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-10-15 20:20:30

Congratulations👏 to #Nobel Laureates in Economy - #AbhijitBanerjee, #EstherDuflo, and #MichaelKremer! Your research provides valuable insights in the fight against poverty! #SDG1

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-02-08 17:33:59

RT @NorwayMFA: Min of Dev @dagiulstein: Honoured to attend #SDGbergen19. More than 800 millions still live in extreme poverty. Committed participation of the academic community & more knowledge keys for reaching the #GlobalGoals by 2030. #SDG1 #SDG4 @UiBrector_Olsen @UiB

Norway MFA
2019-02-08 16:31:30

Min of Dev @dagiulstein: Honoured to attend #SDGbergen19. More than 800 millions still live in extreme poverty. Committed participation of the academic community & more knowledge keys for reaching the #GlobalGoals by 2030. #SDG1 #SDG4 @UiBrector_Olsen @UiB
