Søket ga 8 treff.
Norway MFA
2019-11-22 16:57:46

The ocean🌊 is important for #foodsafety. With better #ocean management, the 🌏could get 6️⃣times more #FoodFromTheSea than it does today, according to a new expert report #HLPbluepaper @oceanpanel #Norway is a firm supporter of @FAO and #ProBlue

Norway MFA
2019-04-11 21:58:23

Must produce more food, jobs & energy from the oceans. And we must maintain the oceans’ capacity to regulate the climate & support biodiversity. Encourage donors to do more & join @WorldBank trust-fund #PROBLUE - @dagiulstein. #CleanOceans #OurOceans2019 #SBGMeetings

Norway MFA
2019-04-11 20:34:33

RT @kareraas: Unite for #CleanOceans! Great pleasure to host our friends from the island states alongside Minister @DagIUlstein and Fijian Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum🇫🇯.The new @WorldBank trust fund was among topics discussed. #PROBLUE 🌊 #Norway4Oceans 🇳🇴#WBGMeetings

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-04-11 15:58:16

RT @kareraas: Unite for #CleanOceans! Great pleasure to host our friends from the island states alongside Minister @DagIUlstein and Fijian Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum🇫🇯.The new @WorldBank trust fund was among topics discussed. #PROBLUE 🌊 #Norway4Oceans 🇳🇴#WBGMeetings

Stefan Heggelund
2018-11-27 12:00:36

RT @FredrikGMyhre: Fantastisk å se @nikolaiastrup signere på havfondet til @WorldBank! Nå må flere med! #PROBLUE må bli den redningsaksjonen havet sårt trenger ved å løse: 🤒Temperaturøkning & forsuring 🚯Marin forurensing & forsøpling 🐟UUU fiske 🏝️Tap av dyr & leveområder

Norway MFA
2018-10-29 14:02:02

Norway strongly committed to combatting #marinelitter🐳💦 We need to take bold action & are setting aside USD 200 mill. over the next four years. The #ProBlue global fund for healthy oceans a key partner - FM #EriksenSoreide at #OurOcean in Bali #Norway4Oceans

Ola Elvestuen
2018-10-17 00:42:20

RT @bardvegar: Fantastisk å sjå @ernasolberg snakke på #NorwayOceanSummit om det nye globale havfondet #PROBLUE i @WorldBank som Noreg har vore med på å starte! Det var @WWFNorge som opphaveleg bad @regjeringen om eit slikt fond. Vi gratulerer @NikolaiAstrup! Men hugs at dette berre er starten.

Stefan Heggelund
2018-10-16 14:03:27

RT @FredrikGMyhre: Flott å se @erna_solberg tale om #PROBLUE & #nullvisjon for plast i havet på #NorwayOceanSummit i dag. PROBLUE må bli den redningsaksjonen havet & planeten trenger. Finansieringsmekanismen ble etterspurt av @WWFNorge opprinnelig - nå må den fylles med mer konkret innhold! @DN_no
