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Norway MFA
2020-07-15 10:15:00

@dagiulstein at #HLPF #SaveOurEducation: More than 90% of all learners have been affected by school closures due to #COVID19. Norway will do its part to ensure that #education has a key role in the immediate response & in building back better #SDG4

Norway MFA
2020-07-15 10:10:26

@dagiulstein at #HLPF #SaveOurEducation today: More than 90% of all learners have been affected by school closures due to #COVID19. Norway will do its part to ensure that #education has a key role in the immediate response & in building back better #SDG4

Norway MFA
2020-07-14 18:01:58

@dagiulstein at #HLPF #SaveOurEducation today: More than 90% of all learners have been affected by school closures due to #COVID19. Norway will do its part to ensure that #education has a key role in the immediate response & in building back better. #SDG4

Norway MFA
2020-07-14 17:25:01

@dagiulstein at #HLPF #SaveOurEducation today: More than 90% of all learners have been affected by school closures due to #COVID19. Norway will do its part to ensure that #education has a key role in the immediate response & in building back better #SDG4

Norway MFA
2020-07-07 19:48:12

RT @mona_juul: We are ready for the opening of this year’s historic #HLPF Follow this year’s most important event to take stock of our pro…

Dag Inge Ulstein
2020-07-04 10:45:10

RT @Utenriksdept: Hvordan ligger vi egentlig an for å nå #bærekraftsmålene? Fra 7/7 samles hele verden digitalt i ti dager til FNs årlige høynivåforum om rettferdig utvikling for alle #HLPF. 47 land rapporterer på fremdriften. Følg diskusjonene på @UNWebTV 🇺🇳 @dagiulstein @nikolaiastrup

Norway MFA
2019-07-18 22:47:52

Sexual&reproductive health and rights #SRHR is under pressure. 🇳🇴 has increased its support and call on others to step up. Women&girls should be able to decide freely if and when they want to have children - Min of Intl Dev @dagingeulstein #HLPF #ICPD25

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-07-17 22:46:57

RT @NorwayMFA: We, the international community, must do more to prevent #ModernSlavery and to support #HumanTrafficking survivors - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein at @Alliance8_7 #Achieve87 #HLPF #GlobalGoals #SDGs

Norway MFA
2019-07-17 22:43:30

We, the international community, must do more to prevent #ModernSlavery and to support #HumanTrafficking survivors - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein at @Alliance8_7 #Achieve87 #HLPF #GlobalGoals #SDGs

Norway MFA
2019-07-17 21:36:42

I like to think that I am here at the High-level Political Forum for her - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein delivering 🇳🇴 statement at the #HLPF general debate. #HLPF #GlobalGoals #SDGs

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-07-17 03:22:13

RT @NorwayMFA: Encouraged by listening to youth delegates at the #HLPF, calling for more action, less talk by @un member states. How can we better include youth in decision making? - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein at #HLPF #GlobalGoals #SDGs #2030Agenda

Norway MFA
2019-07-17 03:19:24

Encouraged by listening to youth delegates at the #HLPF, calling for more action, less talk by @un member states. How can we better include youth in decision making? - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein at #HLPF #GlobalGoals #SDGs #2030Agenda

Norway MFA
2019-07-16 21:51:28

Good discussion w/ @UN Youth Envoy @jayathmadw & Norway’s youth delegate on how to increase the active participation by youth in the #2030Agenda #GlobalGoals - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein #HLPF

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-07-16 18:47:04

Spennende samtale! Diskuterte klima, konflikt, sårbare grupper mm med Norges ungdomsdelegat og FNs ungdomsutsending. Bærekraftsmålene må nås for å sikre ungdommens fremtid. #HLPF

Norway MFA
2019-07-16 14:31:44

RT @UNDP: Women hold 24% of national parliamentarians & 27% of managerial positions across the world. We work with @UN_Women's @iKNOW_Politics & govts like #Canada & #Norway to increase women's representation in politics, biz, work, & policy making roles: #HLPF

Norway MFA
2019-07-15 21:28:18

Norway will provide NOK 35 mill to the @UN #Tax Trust Fund over the next 3 years. We need all member states to engage in global tax norms. The challenge of financing the #SDGs is urgent - Min of Intl Dev @dagiulstein #HLPF

Dag Inge Ulstein
2019-07-15 17:43:13

Alle land må trappe opp innsatsen for å nå bærekraftsmålene innen 2030! Er på plass i New York for en hektisk uke med representanter fra hele verden. Vårt budskap er: sårbare grupper må inkluderes, bedre skattesystemer, nasjonal ressursmobilisering og økt klimainnsats, mm. #HLPF
