Søket ga 4 treff.
Klima- og miljødep
2021-04-29 18:55:57

Leading up to the #UN #Biodiversity Conference in Kunming Norway joins the #GlobalOceanAlliance and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. ‘Norway will do what we can to put in place ambitious international targets for biodiversity' @Rotevatn👇

Klima- og miljødep
2021-04-29 18:54:31

Leading up to the #UN #Biodiversity Conference in Kunming Norway joins the #GlobalOceanAlliance and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. ‘Norway will do what we can to put in place ambitious international targets for biodiversity' @Rotevatn 👉

Klima- og miljødep
2021-04-29 18:44:46

RT @NorwayMFA: Leading up to the #UN #Biodiversity Conference in Kunming #China, #Norway joins the #GlobalOceanAlliance and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, both important for our global efforts to protect 3⃣0⃣ % of the world’s land and #ocean 🌏 👇

Norway MFA
2021-04-29 13:06:11

Leading up to the #UN #Biodiversity Conference in Kunming #China, #Norway joins the #GlobalOceanAlliance and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, both important for our global efforts to protect 3⃣0⃣ % of the world’s land and #ocean 🌏 👇
