RT @oscepa: #OSCE PA leaders speak on #democracy, #THB, #migration, #mediafreedom, #hatecrime and more at Europe’s largest #humanrights conference #HDIM2018: https://t.co/O7IQgqFpLx @GTsereteli @karhenr @Isabel_Santos @margretkiener @KHadjiyianni @ItalyatOSCE @osce_odihr https://t.co/1DNkd9T7PU
Promoting #humanrights and democracy is a key concern in Norwegian foreign policy. #EriksenSoreide met Director of @osce_odihr #IngibjörgGisladóttir. Respect for fundamental rights & the rules of democracy is crucial for lasting peace and stability. https://t.co/D6g8zhetWs
PM @erna_solberg on jubilee for the Universal Declaration of #humanrights: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. 70 years on, these words are as powerful and true as ever. Let us continue our work to make them a reality." https://t.co/N6TKU0hQxK