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Norway MFA
2019-10-24 15:13:45

At the core of the #OurOcean conferences are voluntary commitments for significant & meaningful actions towards a clean, healthy and productive ocean. Previous conferences have resulted in 1030 commitments. The number of commitments for #OurOcean 2019 will be announced shortly.

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 14:43:59

Gratulerer med #FNdagen! 🇺🇳 Vi har samlet 500 ledere og 100 ungdomsrepresentanter for å styrke innsatsen for bærekraftige hav. Et av mange områder der #Norge & #FN spiller en viktig rolle i verden. #OurOcean

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 14:23:59

RT @noradno: - Sometimes conferences are for talking. #OurOcean is for doing. But there is no excuse to say that what we do is enough. Right now we’re not winning. There are to much money chasing to little fish. @JohnKerry

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 12:14:08
Norway MFA
2019-10-24 12:09:34

Voluntary commitments are at the core of the #OurOcean conferences. What will you do to protect #OurOcean?

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 11:52:38

RT @EU_ENV: The #OurOcean conferences are about the bond we Humans share with the marine world, for centuries. They look at its future. T…

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 11:52:14

.@HiltonHotels first announced its commitments at #OurOcean 2017. By 2022, said the hotel chain, it would ensure that all of its seafood, would come from responsible sources. Also targeted 50% reduction in water use across its operations. 🌊 Blog:

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 11:34:53

"With 8 million tonnes of plastic currently entering the ocean each year, urgent action is needed." At last year’s #OurOcean the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with UN Environment, launched the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment. Blog:

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 11:27:56

RT @olavkjorven: Proud to announce EAT’s commitment to work for a healthy and sustainable blue food future at #OurOcean in Oslo. @EATforum @G_stordalen @FriendsofOcean @NorwayUN @NorwayMFA @Kronprinsparet @FAO @theGEF @Stanford @LineGordon @fadeclerck

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 10:54:40

RT @circulareconomy: The Foundation and @UNEP have published the first annual New Plastics Economy Global Commitment progress report at the #OurOcean Conference in Oslo. The report provides an transparency on how 200 business & governments are reshaping the plastics system.

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 10:04:27

RT @UKinNorway: HRH Crown Prince of Norway addresses #ourocean - “we must combat climate change, marine pollution and overfishing, simultaneously. It’s not a small task. Because the ocean carries us, we must carry the ocean. Let’s unite behind science” #OurOcean2019 #oslo

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 10:03:51

RT @projectaware: Avid scuba diver and surfer HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway 🇳🇴 opens #OurOcean2019 day 2 with a compelling call to unite behind science, speed up progress for the implementation of the #SDGs, and remember that #WeAreNature @Kronprinsparet #OurOcean @NorwayMFA

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 09:53:14

Greetings from #Norway on the #UNDay 🇺🇳 We have gathered 500 leaders & 100 youth repr. in Oslo to unite forces to save #OurOcean. #GlobalGoals #SDG14 #MultilateralismMatters

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 09:49:50

Greetings from #Norway on the #UNDay 🇺🇳 We have gathered 500 leaders & 100 youth repr. in Oslo to unite forces to save #OurOcean. #GlobalGoals #SDG14 #MultilateralismMatters

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 09:48:19

Greetings from #Norway on the #UNDay 🇺🇳 We have gathered 500 leaders & 100 youth repr. in Oslo to unite forces to save #OurOcean. #GlobalGoals #SDG14 #MultilateralismMatters

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 09:01:30

#HappeningNow: #OurOcean day 2 just opened 🌊 Follow the Live-stream 👉🏽

Trine Skei Grande
2019-10-24 08:44:11

RT @WWFNorge: Under #OurOcean onsdag forpliktet Norge seg til å jobbe for at en global avtale mot plastforsøpling av havet skal komme på plass innen 2023. – Norske myndigheter tar et kjempeviktig globalt ansvar ved å ta ledelsen i denne prosessen, sier @bardvegar 👇

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 08:03:39

RT @danadmiller: #IUU fishing has devastating impact on marine environments, livelihoods, and food security. #Transparency and good governance will be key for building a sustainable path forward. Full room this morning at #OurOcean discussing this and more! 🌊🌍 #IUUWATCH #OneOceanOnePlanet

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 08:02:10

RT @globalcompact: 30 companies and institutional investors have signed up to the UN @globalcompact Sustainable Ocean Principles committing to help secure a healthy and productive ocean. Take #OceanAction today: #OurOcean

Norway MFA
2019-10-24 07:10:10

RT @BlueActionFund: Breaking: 🇩🇪@bmz_bund pledges another €25Mill. to @BlueActionFund. #OurOcean
