Good discussion with #SriLanka @DCRGGunawardena on strong partnership, private sector coop, #SustainableDevelopment and #COVID19. International coop and social inclusion vital for long-term recovery from COVID19, as is respect for fundamental human rights. FM #EriksenSoreide
Congratulations to the people of #SriLanka on a democratic presidential election & to @GotabayaR on being sworn in as president today. Looking forward to continuing our partnership on economic development, democracy & reconciliation – FM #EriksenSoreide @SLinNorway
#Norway strongly urges #SriLanka to refrain from resuming executions and reinstating the death penalty. We oppose the use of #deathpenalty in all circumstances #abolitionnow
#EriksenSoreide og kollega Marapana diskuterte bekjempelse av seksualisert vold og det gode forholdet til #SriLanka under #EndSGBVOslo. Norge har fordømt terroren påskemorgenen, vi står sammen med Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 mot voldelig ekstremisme. Forsoning og rettferdighet viktig.
Statsministerens appell på minnemarkering for ofrene på Sri Lanka på Bredtvet nå i kveld: @erna_solberg #SriLanka
RT @Statsmin_kontor: Letter of condolence from Prime Minister @erna_solberg to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe @RW_UNP, after the attacks in Colombo, #SriLanka, 21.04.19.
RT @Statsmin_kontor: Letter of condolence from Prime Minister @erna_solberg to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe @RW_UNP, after the attacks in Colombo, #SriLanka, 21.04.19.
Letter of condolence from Prime Minister @erna_solberg to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe @RW_UNP, after the attacks in Colombo, #SriLanka, 21.04.19.
RT @erna_solberg: I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
RT @erna_solberg: I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
RT @erna_solberg: I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
RT @erna_solberg: I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
RT @erna_solberg: I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
RT @erna_solberg: I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
I strongly condemn the senseless and horrible attacks on churches and hotels in #SriLanka this Easter morning. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
Ikke en perfekt fullmåne, en skitur på høyfjellet i strålende sol eller all verdens påskekos betyr noe som helst når de grusomme nyhetene fra #SriLanka når oss denne påskemorgenen. Tankene går til skadde, pårørende, hjelpemannskaper og folket i det vakre landet som nå opplever det ubegripelige! 🇱🇰
De grusomme nyhetene fra #SriLanka denne påskemorgenen fyller oss med sorg, sinne og følelse av avmakt. De varmeste tanker sendes til skadde, pårørende, hjelpemannskaper og hele folket i dette vakre landet 🇱🇰
RT @TheHALOTrust: The funding of NOK 60m (US$6.9m) for mine clearance in #SriLanka announced by @NorwayMFA will save lives & transform futures. Today we were delighted to host @StatssekHagen at our HQ in Kilinochchi and demonstrate our work. #MineAction #demining #changinglives
RT @StatssekHagen: Appreciated fruitful talks on #sustainable #ocean economies, private sector cooperation, development and the importance of a rules-based world order w PM Ranil Wickremesinghe today. Look forward to continuing #Norway’s cooperation with #SriLanka in areas of mutual interest
Norway is deeply concerned by President Sirisena’s decision to dissolve the #SriLanka parliament days before it was due to be reconvened. Norway calls on all parties to respect democratic institutions & continue to exercise restraint- FM #EriksenSoreide