Person / Aktør:
Helse- og omsorgsdep
Helse- og omsorgsdep

Flere skal få kunnskap om demens. Denne uken samlet Demens Forum X over 100 bedriftseiere, statsråder og forskere fra hele verden. Statssekretær @AnneBramo representerte regjeringen.

2019-05-16 15:52:37

Delt innhold:
Dementia Forum X
Dementia Forum X is a global initiative founded to take action on dementia. It is a day of reflection and discussion between a hundred of the world’s leading business executives, policy-makers and other stakeholders. Dementia Forum X paves the way for high-level dialogue on the challenges that age-related demographic changes and dementia pose to societies, individuals and healthcare systems alike to forge a more effective global response in meeting them. The 3 rd Dementia Forum X will take place at the